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Answer / rajaanku11
Debugging is the process of testing the logic of the program.
To debug the sas Datastep: use the Debug clause after '/' in
the data statement and execute. If needed set watch points,
and keep on pressing enter key while Observing the values
in the debugger log window.Finally exit from it.
To debug the Macro programs, use the system options like
Symbolgen,Mlogic, Mprint.
Debugging is also supported by the log window by
notes,warnings, errors and messeges of and Error macro
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Answer / venkatesh.layam
debugging is error identifier process.if you have any
errors in your programme it will display in log window
the errors are different type
syntaxal error
semantic errors
exection time errors
logical errors:which can not gives the error message but
the results are change dynamically.
macro debugging(by using mlogic mprint symbolgen)
>and can identify errors in the programme by using debug
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