why telecom tower having two color( Red and White)in all of
the world, any solid reason

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why telecom tower having two color( Red and White)in all of the world, any solid reason..

Answer / abhay sunder

to avoid aeroplane crashes.... red is used for same reason
as used in traffic lights i.e to be visible from long
distance as red colour has maximum wavelength therefore
least deviated.......

Is This Answer Correct ?    36 Yes 3 No

why telecom tower having two color( Red and White)in all of the world, any solid reason..

Answer / ankit kumar

hi,,, 4 all world tower indicate in red and whit color b'coz
red show in danger mode 2 indicate, and white color r
indicate in few aria waveform r trans. thanks?

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 2 No

why telecom tower having two color( Red and White)in all of the world, any solid reason..

Answer / shrikant

well, the answer by Abhay might be correct.but i have
noticed the towers even in complete Orange colour.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 7 No

why telecom tower having two color( Red and White)in all of the world, any solid reason..

Answer / xxxxxxxx

since red paint s cheaper compaired to others ...
aand even if red paint erodes aftr som time white ll be thr
so ...no need f paintng again....

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 15 No

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