STL Interview Questions
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What is the STL?

Epson, HP,

2 8311

what is a template?

Amazon, BITS, IBS, Wipro,

2 7704

what is an algorithm in terms of STL?

Lucent, Wipro,

1 7602

How the STL's are implemented, What the difference between templates and STL?


1 6218

What is the disadvantage of templates ?

NSN, Symphony,

2 25561

What is Template Specialization?


1 7261

In what cases using of a 'template' is a better approach then using of a 'base class'?

Lucent, Mind Tree, Wipro,

6 11332

if 4-5 year old brother is standing on d roof with me and watching d moon, suddenly moon coverd by cloud then how will i explain d hiding of moon to my brother.


8 10221

write a piece of c++ code which allocate memory to the 50 object of type CObj

2 6276

Assume I have a linked list contains all of the alphabets from "A" to "Z?" I want to find the letter "Q" in the list, how does you perform the search to find the "Q?"

2 5943

Find the error in the following program struct point {struct point *next; int data; } x; main() {; } x; main() {int i; for(x=p;x!=0;) x=x->next,x++; freelist(x); } freelist(x) {free(x); return }

Sun Microsystems,

1 4518

Which data structure gives efficient search? A. B-tree B. binary tree C. array D. linked list

ABC, Sun Microsystems,

21 25433

Give the output of the following program main() {char *p='a'; int *i=100/*p; } what will be the value of *i= 1

Sun Microsystems,

6 10080

Give the output of the following program main() {int ret; ret=fork();ret=fork();ret=fork();ret=fork(); if(!ret) printf("sun"); else printf("solaris");

Sun Microsystems,

8 13127

c# support late binding or early binding.

6 15417

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Un-Answered Questions { STL }

What is stl stand for?


help me i need a c++ program which takes sequesnce of characters and outputed sequence of their token taypes, work same compiler in lexical analysis phase


What is a stl vector?


When did c++ add stl?


Why should a c++ programmer be interested in stl?


What is the stl, standard template library?


What is stl stack?


How connect plc and pc through software


Define stl.


Q1. A. What is unary operator? List out the different operators involved in the unary operator. B. What is an adjust field format flag? Q2. A. Distinguish between a # include and #define. B. Can a list of string be stored within a two dimensional array? Q3. A.Explain how a pointer to function can be declared in C++? B.List the merits and demerits of declaring a nested class in C++? Q4. A. What are the syntactic rules to be avoid ambiguity in multiple inheritence? B. Explain the operation of overloading of an assignment operator. Q5. A. Explain how the virtual base class is different from the conventional base classes of the opps. B. Explain how an exception handler is defined and invoked in a Program. Q6. A. What is a binary file? List the merits and demerits of the binary file usagein C++. B. Write short notes on Text Manipulation Routines. C. Write bites in Turbo c++ Header (“Include”) Files.


In what scenario does the Logical file and Physical file being used?


What is stl in c++ with example?


What is a list in c++ stl?


What are the components of stl?


Explain stl.