What is the difference between GUI testing and black box

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What is the difference between GUI testing and black box testing..

Answer / sm

gui testing comes under black box testing, where we r going
to check whether the alignments of the objects r placed
properly or not.. like look and feel we can also say that
this isw cosmetic testing

black box testing is testing the overall functionality of a
system without any impact on the internal code of an
application. here u r going to perform the usability, gui,
functionality, validation, security, system, performance and
user acceptance testing.


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What is the difference between GUI testing and black box testing..

Answer / deepika mashetty

GUI Testing is a part of Black Box Testing. Its one kind of
Black Box Testing Technique

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What is the difference between GUI testing and black box testing..

Answer / pravin

In GUI tesing we do the usability testing and appearence of
the web pages but in the black box testing we do the
functionality tesing this is the basic diffrence between
this two

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What is the difference between GUI testing and black box testing..

Answer / kulsum

GUI testing is part of black box technique.
In black box technique we have 3 types of testing.
1.usability testing
2.functional testing
3.performance testing.
GUi testing comes under functional testing.
In gui testing we will check whether the properties of
the object function accordingly or not.we will check the
focus,enable ,disable properties of the objects.

for example when the yahoo page is open the control goes
default to username,and after entering the username and pwd
Ok button shud be enabled.

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