What is Downward Displacement of Water?

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What is Downward Displacement of Water?..

Answer / rajkumar

It is the displacement of water in the downward direction.
Mostly it is used to collect the gas that is dissolved in
water. For the collection of water, the density of the gas
should be less than the density of water.

Is This Answer Correct ?    154 Yes 68 No

What is Downward Displacement of Water?..

Answer / ruchira roy

In a chemical reaction when the water is displaced downward by the gas through the delivery tube, collecting in the jar (filled with water), this process is called downward displacement of water. This process is used for collecting gases which are less dense and insoluble in water.

Is This Answer Correct ?    33 Yes 13 No

What is Downward Displacement of Water?..

Answer / shivam

It is the displacement of water in the downward direction.
Mostly it is used to collect the gas that is dissolved in
water. For the collection of water, the density of the gas
should be less than the density of water.

Is This Answer Correct ?    68 Yes 49 No

What is Downward Displacement of Water?..

Answer / al jaber

In any chemical reaction to collect gas using water in beakers and testtubes.The gas from the reaction travels along the delivery tube the gas bubbles through the water and will rise into the water the gas then pushes the water until the test tube is full of gas this pushing of water called downward displacement of water

Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 14 No

What is Downward Displacement of Water?..

Answer / manabendra

When water is displaced downward by the gas collecting in the jar, it is known as the downward displacement of water.

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 14 No

What is Downward Displacement of Water?..

Answer / devesh asrani

Downward displacement of water is a laboratory method of
preparation of hydrogen which is present dissolved in water.
Zinc granules are placed in a flask with two holes at the
top. Thistle funnel is passed through one hole and a
delivery tube through another. The delivery tube is attached
to a bee hive shelf in a shelf under water.Dilute
hydrochloric acid is added through the thistle funnel. small
bubbles are seen. This is how hydrogen gas is collected


Is This Answer Correct ?    27 Yes 38 No

What is Downward Displacement of Water?..

Answer / nitin raj

The bubbles of hydrogen gas are transferred through the delivery tube and collected in the gas jar .This process is known as downward displacement of water

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 14 No

What is Downward Displacement of Water?..

Answer / chris

What the Downward Displacement of water actually is is when
water is pushed downwards to allow an increase in gases
being able to move into a certain area. Therefore forcing
water out and creating room, the amount of water being
pushed away over a period of time is an indication of the
effect of substrate concentrate on the rate of enzyme
concentration because of the amount of gas released.

Is This Answer Correct ?    41 Yes 57 No

What is Downward Displacement of Water?..

Answer / shirish sharma

The downward movement of water in a closed container or
test tube due to presence of another gas in the same
container which is lighter than water is called downward
displacement of water.

Is This Answer Correct ?    19 Yes 39 No

What is Downward Displacement of Water?..

Answer / drama queen

its a method ov collecting a gas dats insoluble in water simply by allowing it 2 flow into a water fulled tub wid a collecting jar (gas jar) filled wd water over it....as da gas collects,water gets DISPLACED downwards.....

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 42 No

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