Can anyone clarify my doubt that is the defect status cycle
and the appropriate person responsible for changing the
status.(who is responsible for which status)
Ex: New by tester....

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Can anyone clarify my doubt that is the defect status cycle and the appropriate person responsible..

Answer / priya

defect status cycle is the the different stages thru which
the bug moves right from the time to when it is reported to
the stage when it gets fixed & closed.
A tester detects the bug & reports it to the developer by
logging it into the defect tool & assigns it to the
developer . the developer fixes the bug & reassigns it back
to the tester who then checks whether it is fixed & if so
then closes it.

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Can anyone clarify my doubt that is the defect status cycle and the appropriate person responsible..

Answer / ashok reddy

Whenever logged the bug put the status as a "New or
open"(depends on your knowledge),send to the development
team,dev team fix that bug,put the bug status as
a "fixed"if developer partially fix that bug. then again
tester put the status as a "re-open",and send to the
tester. the developer not able to fix that but put the
status as a "differed",if tester is enter the already
enterd bug,the developer put the status as
a "duplicate".finally developer fix the bug and tester
close the bug.

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Can anyone clarify my doubt that is the defect status cycle and the appropriate person responsible..

Answer / subhasis.nk

When a tester find a bug in a application he marks the
status as "NEW",That means for the first time the bug is
found.Then it comes to test lead to determine whether the
bug is genuine or not.If no then he marks the bug as
"REJECTED".If yes then he marks the status as "OPEN" before
passing it to developers or developer lead.Developer lead
checks it & passes it to developer team with "ASSIGN"
state.If the developer fees that the bug is not genuine he
rejects it and changes the status to "REJECTED".
Incase the developer feels that the priority of bug is low
or lack of the time for release that time he can put status
as "DEFERRED".This bug can be resolved in next release of
software.When developer feels it is a bug he fixes it and
passes it to developer lead by putting status "FIXED".Then
developer lead marks the status as "RETEST" & passes it to
testing team.Tester retest to ensure the bug has been
fixed.If fixed then tester puts status as "CLOSED"(In some
companies test lead puts the status "CLOSED").And if not
fixed then he puts the status "Reopen" and passes it to
developer and again the bug life cycle continues..........

Hope ur all doubt has been resolved like bug in a application...

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