How would you determine how far down on a page you have
printed in order to print out footnotes?
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Answer / kiran kumar yarlagadda
How would you determine how far down on a page you have
printed in order to print out footnotes?
we can declare up to 10 footnotes in a single program.
we can use this option either in a datastep or in a proc
ex->using the footnote in a datastep->
data emp;
input ecode ename$ esal;
footnote1 'my data is over';
footnote2 'submit the data';
. . . . .
footnote10 'the end';
proc print;
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / sankar
use footnote statement
max use 10 footnotes only
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 1 No |
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