what is the use of _set_window in winrunner?

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what is the use of _set_window in winrunner?..

Answer / neelavathy

Set_window sets the required window on the desktop in
mentioned time

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what is the use of _set_window in winrunner?..

Answer / venkat


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what is the use of _set_window in winrunner?..

Answer / jayanth

window will activated on desktop

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what is the use of _set_window in winrunner?..

Answer / usha, usha_0383@yahoo.com

set_window statement uses in winrunneris to open a window
on desktop.

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what is the use of _set_window in winrunner?..

Answer / girish k.s.

The set_window function directs input to the correct
application window.

Specifies the window to receive subsequent input and
(optionally) specifies the amount of time to wait for the
specified window.

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what is the use of _set_window in winrunner?..

Answer / sudhakar

set_window activates a window and gives focus to that
window so that we can perform actions on window

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what is the use of _set_window in winrunner?..

Answer / yeshwanthi


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what is the use of _set_window in winrunner?..

Answer / vidya

set_window specifies the window to receive input accroding
to the windows logical name

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what is the use of _set_window in winrunner?..

Answer / jagadesh

The use of set_window is to set the requried window on the



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what is the use of _set_window in winrunner?..

Answer / shobha

set_window specifies the window to receive input accroding
to the windows logical name
_set_window specifies the window to receive input accroding
to the windows physical description

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