Why do the animals depend upon the green plants for their food ?

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Why do the animals depend upon the green plants for their food ?..

Answer / guest

Because the green plants have chlorophyll which makes the
plants absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and water
from the earth. This water and carbon dioxide combine to
from compounds like sugar. Animals cannot produce sugar as
they ate having no chlorophyll. So they have to depend upon
the green plants for sugar and hence for food.

Is This Answer Correct ?    238 Yes 98 No

Why do the animals depend upon the green plants for their food ?..

Answer / sahaja

Animals depend on plants for food as they cannot make their
own food.

Is This Answer Correct ?    147 Yes 68 No

Why do the animals depend upon the green plants for their food ?..

Answer / gest

Because it cannot make thir own food. Trees give shelter to
animals and food producing plants give them food. Some how
the animals get thier energy from plants.


Is This Answer Correct ?    95 Yes 40 No

Why do the animals depend upon the green plants for their food ?..

Answer / selina das

animals depend on plants for food because they cannot produce thier own food.plants are autotrophic and animals are heterotrophic.

Is This Answer Correct ?    70 Yes 36 No

Why do the animals depend upon the green plants for their food ?..

Answer / khema shree

Herbivorous animals depend directly on plants for their nutrition. Carnivorous depend on other animals,which in turn depends on plants.Thus,when you eat meat ,you are indirectly depending on food prepared by plants.

Is This Answer Correct ?    42 Yes 15 No

Why do the animals depend upon the green plants for their food ?..

Answer / raneem

animals cannot make own food, plants make food with the
help of cholorophyl,so animals depends on plantfor their

Is This Answer Correct ?    17 Yes 12 No

Why do the animals depend upon the green plants for their food ?..

Answer / md afzal imam

Animals depends on plants for their food and shelter they get food from plant

Is This Answer Correct ?    15 Yes 10 No

Why do the animals depend upon the green plants for their food ?..

Answer / syed mahmood hasan

beacuse animals can't make their own food they have to be dependents on plants for survival

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 4 No

Why do the animals depend upon the green plants for their food ?..

Answer / unknown person

Animals depend on plants for food as plants produce food and energy which animals can't, so, herbivores eat plants to get energy, carnivores eat herbivores and other carnivores for energy and omnivores eat all four, plants, herbivores, carnivores and also other omnivores for energy.

Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 8 No

Why do the animals depend upon the green plants for their food ?..

Answer / tanishq tyagi

Animals depends on plants for shelter they do not make their own food so that they can eat fruits of plants they need shelter of trees and plants

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 2 No

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