Zoology Interview Questions
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what is the function of bicuspid or mitral valve in human heart?

Aakash Institute,

7 23243

what are the different stages in the life histoty of dibothriocephalus?

1 4634

coral reefs are how many types?name them?

PH.D Interview,

1 5015

explain signet ring stage in erythrocytic cycle of plasmodium?

3 22685

differentiate apterygota and pterygota subclasses of phylum arthropoda?

3 34149

what r tidemann's bodies?where do u find them?

1 5263

what is a keber's organ?with what function it associates?

3 23171

differentiate miracidium and cercaria larval forms?

1 5480

what is osphradium?


2 11564

what r ambulacral ossicles?what is its importance in phylum echinodermata?

1 8293

what are the constituents of human semen?

1 9846

what is the function of ovipositor in houseflies?

1 5135

what actually happens during window period of HIVinfection?

2 4997

what is the meaning of the word "kwashiorkor"?

1 5085

what is the difference between complicated fractures and comminnuted fractures?

1 4025

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Un-Answered Questions { Zoology }

Explain what is tooth formula?


Name the animal which has the longest longivity?


Which marine mammal’s flesh is mostly used by eskimos?


Which is the world’s largest living reptile?


Which is the continent known as the land of kangaroo?


Which is the largest indian deer?


Can you explain what an Acoelomate organism is and provide some examples of Acoelomate animals?


What is the fat of whale called?


Which ancient civilization believed cats were sacred?


Ano po bang klaseng gagamba ang makagawa ng pinakamatigas supot (web)?


The skin of an animal is called the ‘hudson seal’ by furriers. Which is the animal?


What large hairy spider from a city in Italy A. Vinecaliu B. Tarantula C. Both A and B D. None


Why do we use ORDER BY Clause in Oracle SQL ?


1. do you like your job 2. How long does it take you to be one 3. How is interacting with the animals 4. What do you like better whales or dolphins 5.do you think your job is important v 6. when did you first realize you wanted to be a marine biologist? 7. how many hours do you generally work in a week 8. what is your greatest memory as a marine biologist 9.in your opinion what is the greatest thing in being a marine biologist 10. do you specialize in any area? if so what 11. what is a typical day in your career 12.do you travel a lot. 13. what school subjects would help you for this career. 14.what kind of species do you work with 15. do you like the people your work with


Which animal has the biggest brain?