After the blastula stage what is the following stage of the embryonic development? How is the passage from blastula to the next stage called?
5What is the function of the vitellus in the vertebrate egg? How are these eggs classified according to the amount of vitellus within them?
5What are the main substances transferred from the mother to the fetus through the placenta and from the fetus to the mother?
5What is the cell division during the first stage of the embryonic development called? How is this stage characterized?
5After the morula stage what is the next stage? What is the morphological feature that defines that stage?
What are extra embryonic membranes?
What are somites?
When are archenteron and blastopore formed?
Explain histogenesis?
Explain foetal pole?
What are twins? Genetically what are the two types of twins that can be generated?
What is yolk sac?
Why can the allantois be considered an adaptation to terrestrial life?
From which germ layer do the epidermis and the nervous system originate? What are other organs and tissues made from that germ layer?
What is the difference between amnion and chorion?
What are histogenesis and organogenesis?
Explain the morphology of an embryo from ventral to dorsal portion after neural stage?
Explain blastopore?
What is coelom?
Explain the embryonic development stages after formation of blastula?