Difference between datareader and dataset ?
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Answer / j_baghla
Datareader is used for readonly-forward only data.We can't
update the database by datareader.We can store more than
one resultset in the datareader so we can't create the
relations between the tables.There is no record pointer to
read the data in the datareader.We can read the datat from
the datareader by using reader method.
Dataset can contain more than one table and we can create
relationships among those tables.we can read the data by
for each loop.Dataset can contain data from different
datasources like oracle,sqlserver,access etc.
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Answer / jagadeesh naidu
Datareader is used for readonly-forward only data.We can't
update the database by datareader.We can store more than
one resultset in the datareader so we can't create the
relations between the tables.There is no record pointer to
read the data in the datareader.We can read the datat from
the datareader by using reader method.
Dataset can contain more than one table and we can create
relationships among those tables.we can read the data by
for each loop.Dataset can contain data from different
datasources like oracle,sqlserver,access etc.
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Answer / anita
datareader is component of connected environment is used to
retreive the value from datasource ,on the otherhand dataset
is the component of disconnected environment.it contain
datatable s .
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Answer / harsh v m
DataReader acts like Readerset of ADO.In ADO.NET we make
use of Datasets & in ADO, Readersets are used.
DataReader is read only,forward only type and Dataset is
disconnected type that can store more than one table.Hence
Datareaders are used for reading some data from database
only,but not for updating the data.Whereas Datasets can be
used for later purpose.
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