Kindly Help for this Below Scenario,

I am going to implement Power BI into our internal software.

I’m familiar with the fact that each user can pay $9.99 a month to build and view reports but what I need to know is how can we embed Power BI into our application so that any users that log into our application can see the reports without the monthly fee.

I’ve researched enough that it can be done.

What I am not familiar with is how to do it or the pricing of embedding it into an application.

I think they do pricing on how many renders you do or something.

Would you be able to look into how we could embed it into our software and the cost?

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More Crystal Reports Interview Questions

I had an Interview yesterday for a Crystal Reports Developer position. Some of these I have not done in my reporting experience and I had just a half day's notice for the interview, hence no prep time :-( 1) Is there a way to be able to change an image(company logo) dynamically in a report? Example if you have 100 reports, and with the market uncertainity if you anticipate that the company logo might change, how can you change the image just in one place and have this reflected in all teh reports at run time? 2) What is a SQL expression? 3) What are field expressions and what are the diff types? (I looked this up in the internet and never found anything with regards to types of field expressions) The interviewer really got me confused as I felt he was not clearly setting forth his questions but it could be that I was unable to understand his wording of the questions. I expect a big zero from his feedback but I am hoping this is an experience for future interviews that I face in crystal reports when I do get some more lined up. Thanks in advance! Anita New Jersey, USA.

5 Answers   Barclays,

hi.. i've created a crystal report and one crystal report viewer in windows form. i've two form form1 and form2 in form2 i've kept one button called print. when i press this button it should print the document into .pdf format. without using the crystal report viewers print button.

0 Answers  

How can i normalize a Crystal Report..??

0 Answers   HCL,

Can we export data of reports into other format like in world doc etc?

5 Answers  

hi.. i've one crystal report. i want the report header as "employee database". i dont want to right click->insert and goto text object and insert. i've one aspx page and aspx.cs page also. now i want the "employee database" header to be printed from .cs file. i dont want to pass by parameter also.. i.e is there any option in .cs file something like ReportDocument myreport = new ReportDocument(); myreport.Load(MapPath("~/" + "emp.rpt")); myReport.Reportheader="Employee database"; i hope u have understood this. only thing is from .cs file i want to print the header as employee database. i dont want by passing parameter also... please help....

0 Answers  

to ensure that all of the data from a field is displayed in a report text object you should do which of the following?? a) use the format wizard b) size the text object manually c) select the auto format option for the text object d) select the can grow option for the text object e) set the can grow option to the details section of the report

2 Answers  

hi ... i've created one crystal report in windows form and one crystalreportviewer .. the following is my code.. in form1.cs file try { ExportOptions CrExportOptions; DiskFileDestinationOptions CrDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions(); PdfRtfWordFormatOptions CrFormatTypeOptions = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions(); CrDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = "c:\\ informations.pdf"; CrExportOptions = cryRpt.ExportOptions; { CrExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile; CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat; CrExportOptions.DestinationOptions = CrDiskFileDestinationOptions; CrExportOptions.FormatOptions = CrFormatTypeOptions; } cryRpt.Export(); } the above code is saving the file into pdf into specified path.. but i dont want to save a file i should get direct print preview and have a option to print .. As we do in web application using crystal report viewer clicking print and report will be opened in pdf.. and the click print.. i want the same function as we do in web application... i'm writing code in hope the above explaination will be understood clearly..

0 Answers  

how should i highlight a particular column in a report in actuate e designer report? It should be done dynamically while creating report Thanks in advance!!!!!!!!!!

0 Answers  

Is there a way to be able to change an image(company logo) dynamically in a report? Example if you have 100 reports, and with the market uncertainty if you anticipate that the company logo might change, how can you change the image just in one place and have this reflected in all the reports at run time?

0 Answers  

how can we convert crystal dictionary dc5 file to another datasource format like mdb or xml schema

0 Answers   CSC,

HI all, I am developing reports using crystal reports in VS2005 in windows application. I have two crystalreports name called "studentReport" and "familyReport". I have a form with a button. If I click the button I need to show up the two reports in one report like page1, and page2. The page1 consists the "studentReport" and the page2 contains the "familyReport". The "familyReport" contains different header and footer. How to show up the two crystal reports in single crystalreportviewer?

2 Answers  

how to create crystal reports in .net

2 Answers   CTS,
