Profit is a Liability or asset?

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Profit is a Liability or asset?..

Answer / subash

Profit is asset..but we wil show it in liability side as it
is belongs to share holders so company has to give it to we r showing under liability side.

profit with respect to company it is a liability as it has
to pay it to shareholders.

Profit with respect to shareholders it is a asset.

Is This Answer Correct ?    96 Yes 5 No

Profit is a Liability or asset?..

Answer / vasu.a

profit is liability

Is This Answer Correct ?    52 Yes 4 No

Profit is a Liability or asset?..

Answer / muralikrishna katakam

no dought profit is a liability bcoz , whatever the rupee
earning earned by the organisation is out the investment
made by the share holders,so that should be directed
towards the shareholders,that is why the company paying
dividends ,for future expansion purposes it can retain
those funds under the head general reserve by passing the
following entry p&l a/c dr
to general reserve

Is This Answer Correct ?    36 Yes 0 No

Profit is a Liability or asset?..

Answer / vasu.a

profit is liability

Is This Answer Correct ?    14 Yes 2 No

Profit is a Liability or asset?..

Answer / gayathri

Profit is Reserves & Surplus.

Is This Answer Correct ?    22 Yes 12 No

Profit is a Liability or asset?..

Answer / pranav

profit is (increase) liablility of business towards its
owner resulting from increase in assets in realtion to its
liabilities (net assets) which belongs to owners

Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 1 No

Profit is a Liability or asset?..

Answer / hari

profit is liability FOR SURE

Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 2 No

Profit is a Liability or asset?..

Answer / rv

profit is and asset for some firms (sole trading firm and
partnership firm) and a liability for companies. because
sole and partnership fimers the profits is shared among
members and where as companies the profit is share among the
share holders

Is This Answer Correct ?    12 Yes 7 No

Profit is a Liability or asset?..

Answer / sandeepreddy

profit is liablity

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 1 No

Profit is a Liability or asset?..

Answer / amit

Its a liability for a business and assets for a promoter
becuase it increases his capital.

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 1 No

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