what are the advantages and disadvantages of waterfall model?

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what are the advantages and disadvantages of waterfall model?..

Answer / arif


1. Inflexible partitioning of the project into distinct
stages makes it difficult to respond to changing customer
2. The lifecycle can take so long that the original
requirements may no longer be valid by the time the system
is implemented.
3. Estimating time and costs is difficult for each

Is This Answer Correct ?    125 Yes 25 No

what are the advantages and disadvantages of waterfall model?..

Answer / chavishanka

Advantages of Waterfall Model
1. Clear project objectives.
2. Stable project requirements.
3. Progress of system is measurable.
4. Strict sign-off requirements.

Disadvantages of Waterfall Model
1. Time consuming
2. Never backward (Traditional)
3. Little room for iteration
4. Difficulty responding to changes

Is This Answer Correct ?    70 Yes 11 No

what are the advantages and disadvantages of waterfall model?..

Answer / kumar

Model is simple.
Easy to understand.

Time consuming as the testing process starts the last
till the build is given for testing the testers will be
hence man power is wasted

Is This Answer Correct ?    67 Yes 13 No

what are the advantages and disadvantages of waterfall model?..

Answer / sreenu

actually the waterfall model is a dependent model.
so in the every phase depends upon another phase.So after
completion one phase(sdlc) then goes to next phase.
for example after completion of coding testing should
happen.it should dependent.
If u want to add any new requirement it should be so cost

advantage is cheaper.

Is This Answer Correct ?    72 Yes 34 No

what are the advantages and disadvantages of waterfall model?..

Answer / ch.s.m.prasad

it is simple and easy to understand.
it takes less cost.
in this stage every phase requirements are freezed.
we can't do modifications.

Is This Answer Correct ?    41 Yes 23 No

what are the advantages and disadvantages of waterfall model?..

Answer / sadaf zuberi

It is difficult to accommodate any change after the
requirement is finished or we can say that it freeze the
requirement phase

Is This Answer Correct ?    26 Yes 10 No

what are the advantages and disadvantages of waterfall model?..

Answer / shikhar

Advantages of Waterfall Model:

1- Simple and Easy to use.
2- Easy to Manageable.
3- The Amount of resources to implement this model is very minimal.
4- Documentation is produced at every stage.

Disadvantages of Waterfall Model:

1- Not Suitable for real time project.
2- Time Consuming.
3- We cannot go back, if the design phase has gone wrong, things can get very complicated in the implementation phase.
4- Small changes or errors that arise in the completed software may cause a lot of problem.
5- Until the final stage of the development cycle is complete, a working model of the software does not lie in the hands of the client.

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 2 No

what are the advantages and disadvantages of waterfall model?..

Answer / palak shah


1) helps you to be perfect.
2) logic of software development is clearly understood.
3) Project management.
a)assurance of task completed.
b)better project review.
c)better resource allocation.
d)better resource utilization.

project planning is best done in waterfall model.

Is This Answer Correct ?    16 Yes 16 No

what are the advantages and disadvantages of waterfall model?..

Answer / kerti

>easy to explain and implement
>stages and activities are well defined
>helps to plan and schedule the project
>verification at each stage ensures early detection of errors
>the amount of resources required are very less
>documentation is produced at every stage
>after every stage of coding, testing is performed
>cannot go back,if design phase mhas gone wrong,things can
get very complicated in implementation phase.
>small changes that arise in completed software may cause
lot of problems

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 1 No

what are the advantages and disadvantages of waterfall model?..

Answer / daisan

advantages: 1.Requirements are freezed so we would able to create stable software. 2. Deadline can be set and managerial control very easily 3.documentation properly follow

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 0 No

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