why breadth of beam is shorter than (or equal to )its depth?
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Answer / dhiyan
because of the BMD the stability of the beam shoud be more in
depth ....so for a good construction of beam the depth of the
beam should always more than the width....
eg: take a scale and place it in a manner like depth less
than the width load applied on the scale the scale will
bend , when the depth increased as change in their
direction ,it will with stand the load...
Is This Answer Correct ? | 46 Yes | 8 No |
Answer / touseef mirza.nita
To resist a given bending moment and also to keep deflections
small, it has been stated that the deepest beam is the most
suitable. If, however, the depth is made too great in
proportion to the breadth, the beam may buckle sideways due to
a column effect as the result of compressive stresses in the
top fibres.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 17 Yes | 3 No |
Answer / abdellatif
the inertia moment of any square section is I=bh3:12 ; b is
the breadth and h is the depth
.................................now you can ansawre the
quistion by yourself
Is This Answer Correct ? | 14 Yes | 6 No |
Answer / jyotirmaya
we know that σ=My/I, where σ=bending stress
M=bending moment or moment of
y=distance of the extreme end of
fiber from the neutral axis.
I=moment of inertia about the
neutral axis.
So, in order to decrease the bending stress and hence
increase the strength of a beam, we need to increase the
"I" value by increasing the depth and decreasing breath...
Is This Answer Correct ? | 5 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / raja
1.Due to large depth beam become stable.
2. Compression is negligible.
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While Counter acting the External Action like Bending
Momnent and Deflections
The depth of beam governs ie the Strength of Beam depends
Square (Mu/bd^2) Times in Resisting Bending rather than
The depth of beam governsin case Deflection Cubic (bd^3/12
for Rectangular Sections) Times
In All practal cases Bending Moment and Deflections are
But in Case of Shear Force if you keep wider beams the
resisting capacity is more
In case of Members with large Spans provide Depth of Beam
More (Usally 2 times the Width)
In Case of Smaller Spans with Point Loads Provide Wider
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / touseef mirza.nita
To resist a given bending moment and also to keep deflections
small, it has been stated that the deepest beam is the most
suitable. If, however, the depth is made too great in
proportion to the breadth, the beam may buckle sideways due to
a column effect as the result of compressive stresses in the
top fibres.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 4 No |
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