How to fix the concentration for RS by HPLC

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How to fix the concentration for RS by HPLC..

Answer / venkat

Concentration of sample= estimated LOQ concentration (µg/mL) x 1/desired LOQ (%) x 100

Is This Answer Correct ?    45 Yes 3 No

How to fix the concentration for RS by HPLC..

Answer / dhilip anand

To determine the sample concentration that gives an
acceptable LOQ
(Signal to Noise ratio, S/N) in low level spike
concentrations. The sample concentration should
be low enough to maintain linearity and precision, but high
enough to achieve the desired LOQ.
For example, if the ICH reporting limit for this drug
product is 0.1%, the LOQ of the method
should be less than 0.05% (i.e., desired LOQ, in %). By
using spike sample solutions of very
diluted concentrations for the significant related
substances, estimate the concentrations that give
a S/N of about 10 for the significant related substances.
This estimated concentration is the
approximate LOQ concentration (i.e., estimated LOQ
concentration, in µg/mL).
The following equation can be used to estimate the target
sample concentration for the method:
Target sample concentration =
estimated LOQ concentration (µg/mL) x 1/desired LOQ (%) x 100
Hi this above answer probably worksout since most of the
drug's TDI(dose) will be <1g so desired LOQ % is regarded as
0.05% for reporting threshold with 0.1% and anybody suggest
what will be the desired LOQ % when reporting threshold is
0.05% i.e., if TDI is >1g as per ICH??? Can correct the
above answer if m wrong???

Is This Answer Correct ?    23 Yes 1 No

How to fix the concentration for RS by HPLC..

Answer / sdfgrt

Concentration of sample= estimated LOQ concentration
(µg/mL) x 1/desired LOQ (%) x 100
Any referance for this

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How to fix the concentration for RS by HPLC..

Answer / rajkumar

Please any one clearly explain the with an example.

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How to fix the concentration for RS by HPLC..

Answer / nirav

above answer is right

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 0 No

How to fix the concentration for RS by HPLC..

Answer / sanjay prajapati

It is very simple let keep the concentration which gives
LOQ value 0.05%

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How to fix the concentration for RS by HPLC..

Answer / ram

The common procedure for fixing the LOQ is assuming u r specification as 100 % and we have to achieve LOQ below 50% of specification, here impurities are may be known or unknown.
for exm. known imp limit is 1.0 % then u should try to get LOQ below 0.5%, however if u try for very low level then it is well n good.

All unknown impurities will have spe of 0.1% limit and we have to do validation of unknown with active .

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How to fix the concentration for RS by HPLC..

Answer / sunil

How to decide the estimate loq

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How to fix the concentration for RS by HPLC..

Answer / mahesh

What if the impurity limit is 2%?

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How to fix the concentration for RS by HPLC..

Answer / kanta

Formula=Estimation LOQ concentration (PPM)X1/Desired LOQ concentration (%)X100.
For example as per ICHQ3B our product Reporting threshold was 0.05% this is called Desired LOQ concentration.First initially we fix sample concentration as 500 ppm.This is 100%,as per this, 0.05% LOQ ppm was 0.25 ppm this is Estimated LOQ concentration.

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