How to calculate per kW how much fuel conssume in DG set?
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Answer / j.p. yadav
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it would be actually "how mch kwhr/litre of fuel" u might be kwhr is the unit of energy and not kw...i
supposeethe answer is straight forward...just like u
calculate the mileage of ur car..
you can put a known load across it.. and run genset from
full tank to empty.. calculate the time it took... multiply
it to the load(power in kw of the load) .. u get the
electrical energy produced from a full tank of fuel by the
DG.. divide the energy by quantity of fuel.. u get ur answer..
Is This Answer Correct ? | 16 Yes | 13 No |
Answer / ajit
basicaly here is no any calculation for fuel consumption
per kw this is depend upon your gernater efficiency simply
you can calculat your consumption in KWH/day divided by
your fuel consumption/day
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 5 No |
Answer / umesh patel
Calculate average..litre / hour......i.e..60 per hour
Calculate diesel cost/hour..........i.e.. 65x60=3900.
Calculate DG set ratio..i.e........25/5= 5
Into DG set meter reading....i.e..50kwh... reading..5x 50=250kwh....&
3900/250=15.6 Rs/unit...
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 2 No |
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