You are processing an input file in a Natural program and you
want the program to fail if the file is empty. What command you
use in Natural to force it to fail ?

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You are processing an input file in a Natural program and you want the program to fail if the file..

Answer / manish

Hi Shreyas...You asked for the syntax of Terminate command.

Read work file #WK-Number once #WK-Record
At End of File
Terminate 40

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You are processing an input file in a Natural program and you want the program to fail if the file..

Answer / prakash

Give Terminte command with siviority number

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 0 No

You are processing an input file in a Natural program and you want the program to fail if the file..

Answer / shreyas

Prakash thanks for your reponse. Could you please provide me with syntax of the Terminate command that would be helpful for me...

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

You are processing an input file in a Natural program and you want the program to fail if the file..

Answer / sathish

STOP command used to end the program, TERMINATE used to end
the natural session.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 1 No

You are processing an input file in a Natural program and you want the program to fail if the file..

Answer / shreyas

Jaishree you have gievn the logic . I want to know how to force natural program to abend. What is the command used?

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You are processing an input file in a Natural program and you want the program to fail if the file..

Answer / jaishree

You use the following steps to check whether the input file
is empty

Step A. Read work file #WK-Number once #WK-Record
Step B. At End of File
Write "Input file is Empty"

The first step will read the first record in the file and
the next step will see the End of File condition. If the
File is empty, the program will write that we have an Empty
input file to spool.

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