Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
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what is the difference between arc and spark

ABB, Jindal,

2 6595

wat is d diffr btw shunt coil and trip coil in VCB?



Why is remote backup preferred to local backup?


1.why we are using metal oxide gapless block in lightning arrester,2.What is minimum and maximum rating of metal oxide blocks using in india



It is desired to flood light the front of a building 42 meters wide and 16 meters hig.Projectors of 30 degree beam spread and 1000 watt lamps giving 20 lumen/watt are availabl.If the desired level of illumination is 75 lumen/m and show a suitable scheme.Assume the cofficient of utilization, deprecitation factor and waste light factor are 0.4, 13 and 1.2 respectively.


How much current will a 5 HP delta connected motor at no load will take?Is tat need a starter


2 6825

What will be the resultant out put voltage when two different voltage rating batteries are vconnected in parallel? pls. answer with example if available.

1 2933

Wat will happen if R-phase of an alternator is connected to B- Phase of AMF panel fed from alternator

4 4980

how we are measuring the import and export power?

1 3210

how to identify conection leads of an unknown electric motor


whats the application of voltage regulation? and whats the voltage regulation's device?


why there is spacing between two rails in railway?

DS Group, RRB,

3 5156

how much percentage set in transformer diffrencialrelay

1 2869

Which type of DG need Netral Earthing?


1 4564

Why do we need a separate control desk & PLC control panel in Boiler plant or coal handling plant? Can we provide cost effective Control desk cum PLC panel. Is there is an specific need for control desk.. kindly advice.


Post New Electrical Engineering Questions

Un-Answered Questions { Electrical Engineering }

We have studied about many techniques for finding the stability of system, ROOT LOCUS, ROUTH, BODE PLOT, POLER PLOT etc. In these which is used where. what are the difference among them... PLZ tell me.......


What is the limitation of kirchoffs law?


please give me all the Alarm .Trip ,Safety Relays & Conditions of Diesel-generators mail me on ashokbabunhce@gmail.com


What is lifting power for 1 wb/m2 and 1 A magnet?


EHV current carrying parts need to have smooth finish,then how can a 245kv GIS with emery finish can run so long?


Swg formulae


what is self capacitance of inductor


what is the transmission loss for electrical supply? specifically a large shopping complex where the grid is half KM away, what will the % of transmission loss? is there any transmission loss for captive unit generation for above set? thanks


howmany electrician should maintain for a 1000 kva used plant... in kerala..


How many Zones can be in Conventional type fire alarm system & how can we detect the fire in Conv. type FAS?


How Calculet The UPS AH In Load


what is the efficiency of thyristor


what is the difference between ups & inverter


Do closed loop systems require manual input?


In siemens PLC, why do we want to move the data ?