Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
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What is the need of black rock stones under the transformer yard?

TNEB Tamil Nadu Electricity Board,

5 9839

What is the name of transformer oil?

18 16175

lightning arrester rating selection procedure: (line to line voltage(kV)/(squ.root of 3))*squ.root of 2. now the question is, IS this above formula correct for both STAR and DELTA connected system???

1 4152

I have a 25 KVar capacitor bank at my facility.How to check the capacitor bank ??

2 14008

When we use a multimeter, while checking continuity of a closed circuit , what is happening inside multimeter, how it is working to produce a beep wheather it is closed or open.. is there any internaly voltage/current source inside multimeter?

TNEB Tamil Nadu Electricity Board,

3 7502

please send me last 5 year interview questions



why are maintine power factor 0.99 in Eb line? why are used capacitor bank in Eb line? what is the purpose capacitor bank?

TNEB Tamil Nadu Electricity Board,

4 12008

who & how the notations given as RYB to 3phase power supply.

1 3593

clarify types of motor operated valves and advantages


what is phase shifting transformer.

2 4880

How to find the voltage drop for short,medium,long transmission lines of a 33kv sub-station?

1 5143

can anyone help me regarding bout Electrical designs and calculations .. which text book should i follow as i am a trainee engineer.Description of my work which is Electrical designs like cable sizing, lighting, lightning, Gensets sizing, motor sizing, transformer sizing, generator sizing, circuit breakers, PDB MCC PCC SLDB MLDB panels, Single line diagrams mainly, substation desings, cable routing and layouts, reactive power compensations, power factor improvement, voltage drop calculations, power generations, power transmission, power distributions all calculations.Please help me

3 5624

what is electrical machines

1 3215

I would like to install the largest KW alternator to a 200 amp aluminum bus box in my home. Is it possible to install a 250 KW 400v 251amp synchronous alternator to my home?

2 3254

how to measure genset CT coil range?

1 4113

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explain comutator action in detail.thanks


Hi, This is Laila. I am selected for syndicate bank interview. Could you please share your views and the questions asked if you have faced the interview My email id is laila_honey09@yahoo.com Please send as fast as u can.Thank You Thanks... Laila.


What are operating procudures & Safety precautions to be observed while operating OLTC in manual mode ?


how can get electrical c licence.now i am working in spining mill , transformer capacity 2750KVA. SANCTION DEMAND 2250KVA. PLEASE ADVISE ME . MY CONTACT NO 09944226823


how the inner and outer body is separated in aircrafts?


how to select automotive wire by mathematical equation with given current, vlotage and resistance


what kelvin's law ?


what is the purpose of bypass mode in energy lighting transformer?




which model T or pie model is prefarable in power syatem


Why PS class CT is always preferred for Differential protection?


Why the power factor improvement is so important in industrial loads


how to avoid Saturation in C.T?


Explain different types of d.c motors? Give their applications


Define sensitivity?