Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
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what is the EMF

2 4583

if the power factor is .88 i want to increase the power factor to .99 what number of capacitor is to add?


3 5860

what factor is necessary during design of HT & LT MOTORS.


2 5556

i am going to give the JSEB,RANCHI exam for power plant,so i need some samples of papers related to that,so please send me these papers by my mail id.


How to calculate u.p.s load parsentage plz give me formula

1 4117

What is the difference b/w RMU & substation

1 6233

Hi, i want to know is meant by power quality? How it can calculated ? How we can improve?

1 3133

how does excitation of brushless alternator took place?

1 2692

why the substation require din electrical system?

1 3924

can we calculate the diameter of the cable by its cross section?

1 2902

please design a rectifier with batteries for below requirement and also explain how you calculate this solution, Load = 700Amp DC Backup time = 6 hour. please explain briefly ?????


1 3463

What does the temperature (30 deg or 35 deg celcius) mark on conservator of transformer indicates?


2 3461

How to calculate ant test the burden of Current transformer



1.type of oil in used in transformer.

9 9906

at what basis/standard we have to arrive the current density of aluminium/ copper in busbar?



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Un-Answered Questions { Electrical Engineering }

what should be the acceptrd value of winding resistance for 2.5MVA transformer


how open delta PT works & what is its construction?


What are the advantages & disadvantages of a group electrive drive?


can anyone explain the star-delta motor control wiring ,which wire go where and how they operate?


If a transformer primary winding operates at 240v, the secondary at 120v and the load is 1500w & the transformer is rated at 92% efficient, what's the current flowing through the primary winding of the transformer? What is the formula for finding this?


what is High resistance grounding and whatis the criteria for the selection of High resistance grounding


Is there any question in the name of Static Switch in UPS??


Write the force balance equation of ideal dashpot element.


why u r living from presentaly working.


Explain in brief description about the operation of DG sets.


in a silicon diode we can measure .7v in a voltmeter.but why we can't use this voltage for using?


Dear Brother can u tell the proper size selection of cable & the fault level calculation of braker, busbar etc. pls mail me at azeemk30@gmail.com


what is the purpose of silicon dropper used in battery charger?


Will any motor burn if voltage provided is lesser than the rated voltage???? If yes, then how is speed control possible with voltage control


what is size of 3phase 4wire cable to be used for 11 ton ductable A.C and how to calculate cable size for different load