Analytical Chemistry Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

How to calculate the signal to noise ratio.

Rakshit Drugs,

1 6517

Why pH range is 1-14 nt more than 14???

IPCA, Lincoln Pharmaceuticals,

3 7931

Weight balance variation limit during analysis

Amneal Pharmaceuticals,

7 8263

How to calculate lamp energy in hplc?

1 3225

Difference between related substances & impurities


2 17045

Polarized meter calibration, 1. Method name? 2. Which solution use? 3.why?

1 3080

Basic principle of ESI?

Cipla, GVK,


What is the meaning of Base deactivated vials

Sun Pharma,

1 2734

What is definition of RRT and what is the difference between RT and RRT in HPLC

2 8854

What is the definition of RRF

2 5754

In GC Why does retention time decrease when temperature increases? Also how does a change in temperature effect selectivity?

Gland Pharma,

1 3119

why we use 0.1% acetone in gradient calibration of HPLC?

Cipla, Dr Reddys, FDC,

3 12262

What is difference between assay by Hplc and uv

Aizant, Fredun Pharmaceuticals, Hetero, Marksans Pharma,

2 9222

why we use actone for Gpv test in hplc calibration

1 9290

How to standardization of 1N H2SO4?

GNFC, Macleods,

1 7042

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Un-Answered Questions { Analytical Chemistry }

For standardization of volumetric solutions, acceptance limit for concentration is considered as 10% of nominal concentration and %RSD as NMT 0.2% (for appropriate no. of replicates). But , if %RSD has not met, what should be further action?


Tell me about analytical method validation in QC


What is gelatinization?


if your product is soluble in 0.1n hcl and water then which you choose as media from these 2 media?


some product having water content method with pyridine and ethylene glycol mixture instead of methanol? how they are selecting and methanol is not suitable solvent how ?


How require to perform linearity as per ANVISA? What are the acceptance criteria?


why we are using hexane in calibration of number of drop per mL


What is Band broading effect explain


what is third integration


What is the difference between purge septum flow and column flow in gas chromatography?


What is viod volume and peak purity in HPLC?


how you start the solubility study?


Why acetonitrile and water are used as extraction solvent when analysis melamine? I thought they are miscible and won't be able to separate...


how decide the clining method and cleaning method validation require for this perticular products?


What is rs test why we are performing rs test?