Analytical Chemistry Interview Questions
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In Force degradation Study Compound is not degrade in any condition , also in higher stress what can i do ?


4 9696

4. Describe the operation of the Craig apparatus. Chapter.3 Equilibrium Processes in Separations


2. Two grams of Benzoic acid are dissolved in 200 ml of water and extracted with 200 ml of diethyl ether. The distribution coefficient of benzoic acid is 100, and its dissociation constant is 6.5 10-5. Calculate the distribution ratio (D) of benzoic acid at pH 2, 5, and 6. 3. Calculate D at pH 2 to 10 (1 unit apart) in the above problem, and plot D versus pH.


How to Prepare Dilute Sodium hydroxide solution?

Claris Otsuka,

3 9507

what type of question will ask in the interview of lab chemist.

Godavari Biorefineries, Monginis,


Why we show ammonia vapours to tlc plate?to which compounds?

1 5593

What is the SOP for SOP


4 9016

Why perform dissolution multimedia study in dissolution Development

Cipla, Optimus,

4 19625

what is the purge flow & how to calculate



what is mean by 21 CFR PART? In that what is 21 ?

1 13442

is there any exact definition for Theoritical plates ? chennu srinivas

5 9979

What is the use of tailing factor ?

2 13766

what is the relation of normality & molarity ? give me formula?

5 13747

In C8,C18....etc have 4&5 etc... microns Columns is there like that how to separate Chiral columns as per Micron size?

1 5643

What is the diff b/n OVI and Residual solvents

1 6287

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Un-Answered Questions { Analytical Chemistry }

inhouse product is in capsule form in combination and RLD is in tablet form then can we proceed for multimedia CDP? in inhouse capsule product disso is paddle with sinker in release media is there then RLD product in tablet form then with same as paddle with sinker we can proceed n.a.?


How to determine the EDTA content by potentiometry titration in Ceftriaxine sodium


what is impurity profile. how to interpret this impurity profile to a drug product or drug substance.


How we choose the mobile phase for method development.?


in DMF having extra impurities and in api COA also having extra imp than USP or BP product then how require to proceed?


In performance Check of GC Why Hexadecane Peak is Considered 


why does used dry caffien in HPLC calibration?


In which situation we require to prepare the standard solution from sample in Related substance method?


why we use a particular hplc column for a particular compound give reasons?please


how to calculate elemental impurities?


what is difference in ods I ods II is this is realy from sorbent / packing characteristics or from other means


if you given one product then which tests you will perform?


how to select short coloum and long coloumn for new molecule


give clarity of linearity and range in method validation


Loss of linearity in tkn analysis, possible reasons?