what is stero electronic factor.2 what is steric control factor and what is product control factor
what are the differences between assay procedures and estimation in chemical analysis? also what is the equivalent factor that we consider in assay analytical procedures?
Protactinium has a relatively short half-life for some of its isotopes. How does this characteristic impact its practical uses and research?
Explain the process of protactinium-uranium fractionation and its implications for understanding geological and geochemical processes.
Barc in chemistry
Discuss the historical significance of Actinium and its discovery in the context of the periodic table.
In what ways can Protactinium isotopes be used to study fundamental particle interactions and properties?
What are acounting Pi electron's?
hi, i want last 10 years ongc exam recruitment papers for subject in chemistry ,genaralknowladge.
what are the checklist need to maintain in API manufacturing area as per USP requirements.......?
Shall i get the model question papers for junior lecture of Andhra pradesh
Explain the differences between organic and inorganic chemistry?
hi i am siva icompleted m,sc in organic chemistry in 2008&working as alecturer can u send me the interview qusetions with answers . i expected that i got 135 - 140 marks is there any chance to get selection my interview is on may 7th 2010
Protactinium-234 is an important tool for studying ocean circulation. How is it utilized in oceanographic research?
chlorination of methane is possible and a mixture of products are obtained. Is flourination and Bromination of methane is possible?