Bio Chemistry Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

what is the chemical composition of auxin b?

1 3641

explain the phenomenon of bolting?

2 4414

what is the chemical formula of kinetin?

1 3797

what are the effects shown by morphactins on plants?

1 5295

what are the symptoms of the disease phrynoderma?

1 5054

name the two analogues of vitamin "k" ?

1 3401

how vitamin c is synthesised?

1 3472

what are the principles involved in thin layer chromatography?

Aurobindo, Reddy Labs,

12 38401

what is the difference in the aminoacid sequence in normal haemoglobin and sickle cell anaemic person?


3 6017

what is ninhydrin reaction?how it is useful?

Aurobindo, Jubilant,

3 12353

what is PHOSGENE?what is the importance of it?

1 3496

what is ramachandran plot?what r its applications?

Biocon, GVK, SAD,

18 56536

what are the structural differences between alpha keratin and collagen?


2 23173

how haemoglobin acts as an allosteric protein?

Biocon, University,

5 12580

what is niemann-pick disease and what are the disease symptoms?


2 5397

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Un-Answered Questions { Bio Chemistry }

In electronic conductors, what is the reason for flow of current?


Ionic compound does not show the property of space isomerism, Give the reason?


What is the tertiary structure of a protein? What are the main types of tertiary structure?


What does thermodynamics helps in predicting?


What is xylose?


What is ph? What are the units of ph?


What is meant by the 5’ and 3’ extremities of nucleic acids?


What causes the elasticity of corneal layer of skin?


Name the vinyl halide that reacts with hydrogen halides and the product formed is?


Do the phosphate and the pentose groups give homogeneity or heterogeneity to the nucleic acid chains? Supported by that which of those groups is expected to participate in the highly diverse and heterogeneous genetic coding, i.e., Which of those groups is the basis of the information for protein production?


What are the main types of tertiary structure?


Which element has maximum catenation ability?


What are pentoses?


What amount of catalyst is consumed in the reaction it catalyzes?


What are the drawbacks of tissue slices technique?