Chemistry Interview Questions
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Why we use holmium oxide,perchloric acid for uv/vis calibration

Cipla, Orchid, Ratiopharm,

4 24326

hai friends i have attended recently Barc, JRF Interview on 18th June 2009. but i didn't get the result till now. now how can i proceed for checking the result. tell me friends otherwise e-mail to otherwise cal me 09964981442.


5 7552

Brief explanation about nomenclature

1 3957

how to explain to a ten year old what a protoplasm is ???


3 5667

how can i plating of brass in golden colour

1 3057

i am going to face exam for the post of executive trainee (chemistry) in M.P Power generation company,i want to know the level of exam ,type of questions can be asked,and about any book whigh i can refer.


What is the acidity of a base

1 3137

I have impure organic compound trimethyl hydroquinone, how many methods available to purify it. Plz explain in detail

3 5832

what is difference between flammable & highly flammable solvents?

2 9246

which method is able to separate two polar compounds in acidic water solution other than Column chromatography?

1 5003

Why Deuterium lamp is used as UV light Source for UV.

4 16532

What is principle of Polarimeter?


21 77398

What is unit of KF?


7 41256

what is principle of XRD?


3 25816

What is unit of pH?

26 48207

Un-Answered Questions { Chemistry }

identification is for unknown? qualification for known? reporting for LOQ?


Explain the chemical formula for dichromate?


Explain the structure of a dna molecule?


Explain the some importance of organic chemistry?


Explain the difference in the modern periodic table and mendeleevs table?


What is intact assay method development.....?


Why we have to add 200mg Na2CO3 in preparation of 0.1N sodium thiosulfate solution?


Fresh form of water is obtained from?


Is it nessesary all multimedia dissolution require descriminatory?


inhouse product is in capsule form in combination and RLD is in tablet form then can we proceed for multimedia CDP? in inhouse capsule product disso is paddle with sinker in release media is there then RLD product in tablet form then with same as paddle with sinker we can proceed n.a.?


What is the formula for relative diffrence for standard solution in solution stability in validation?


What is viscosity-coefficient of a liquid?


how do you make a amine sugar


why require to do water content for drug product?


i am going to face exam for the post of executive trainee (chemistry) in M.P Power generation company,i want to know the level of exam ,type of questions can be asked,and about any book whigh i can refer.