Load Runner Interview Questions
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lr_debug_message ?

1 8917


1 9565

Throughput ?

8 14765

Types of Goals in Goal-Oriented Scenario ?

1 11853

Analysis Scenario (Bottlenecks):?

2 7090

What is correlation? Explain the difference between automatic correlation and manual correlation?

6 15325

Where do you set automatic correlation options?

3 6849

What is a function to capture dynamic values in the web vuser script?

5 10977

can you tell some load testing tools?


12 15181

what is the real process dealt in load runner,starting from getting the requirement till submitting the deliverables,when a tester is provided with the scenarios? if any real time user could answer it would be very useful for me.also i need what are the real time bottlenecks u have undergone

4 8463

How do you report a bug when it is found in perfomance testing using Load Runner

Ness Technologies,

2 8242

What is SECURITY TESTING? what are the methods followed for this type of testing? Thanks, Prasanna

2 5534

How can i parameterize data through Excel sheet using VB Vuser protocol?

3 9121

what is the 90% ile time in the analysis results?

4 16748

what is the difference between Single user and multiple user protocol?

2 10067

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Un-Answered Questions { Load Runner }

You have created several auto-correlation rules. A new tester on your team is preparing to record a group of scripts on the same application on his workstation. What can you do to provide the tester with the correlation rules?


What is loadrunner api function?


How can we develop the database vuser script?


What is performance testing in loadrunner?


How to schedule a scenario?


What is a correlation?


What are the four selection methods when choosing data from a data file?


What are the loadrunner testing process?


How can performance bottlenecks be identified?


What is the rendezvous point?


How is each step validated in the script?


What is difference between manual scenario and goal oriented scenario?


What is lr_output_message?


For what purpose, user will be using ‘continue on’ error?


What is the basic credentials should be provided while recording SAP-GUI?