Load Runner Interview Questions
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How many values can be generating in script we can Parameterize even it is in one scenario 1000Parameterization values are there it is correct to Parameterized?or not?


1 4184

Correlation without manually how u can do? i.e Automation correlation option where it is?


3 5530

What is the difference between HTTP and HTTPS.in Load Runner. And how will u know(Client)ur using HTTP or HTTPS.? Any one can justify?

1 9912

You are Performace Engineer and it is bottleneck how will identify it is Database Issue? Any one can justify? send to sss4702@gmail.com


What is the difference between Scalbility Testing and Volumetric Testing. in Performance Testing?


How is the Best Faculty for LoadRunner in Hyderabad

6 7462

I need to have a price list for HP loadRunner tool (Analysis, Controller, VU generator) for different number of VU (for example 100 VU,200Vu ,500VU) for performing stress testing. and if there is any mandatory support fees or anything related. i know that companies might get discounts but i need the standard price list as i am planning to purchase the loadrunner but i need to know the price list before ,which will be very helpful if anybody can help. //Hint I need the protocol which contains Oracle web application and Siebel-web i think which is Oracle E-business protocol Thanks

1 8932

When Do u Do LoadTesting and When You do StressTesting? What settings you have to changes for loadtesting and stress testing?

Infosys, Mind Tree,

2 4771

HI Any one can say the how to use the loadrunner to test the application. How to write the test scenarios & test cases.

1 2120

how to write test cases & test scenarios using loadrunner with examples. plz any one can send the anwser . thank u

1 6881

How to use the loadrunner in real time application.thank u

1 2199

how to write scenarios using loadrunner in real time application. plz give me an example

1 3613

how test an real time application using the loadrunner .plz give me an example

1 2667

how to write a test cases in loadrunner application .plz give me an example. thank u

3 5904

What is Workload? Can anyone explain in detail?


5 9413

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Un-Answered Questions { Load Runner }

How will you divide your script into multiple actions? Why?


what are the risks you faced with loadrunner


How does caching affect performance testing results?


When the rendezvous point is insert?


How to run a scenario?


For what purpose, user will be using ‘continue on’ error?


In a web server, database and network are all working fine and now, where could be the problem?


How we tested remote servers if client is installed in another place


Suppose ur app server is .net server. In that connection pool is related to memory ?explain how?


when i run start senario for different process it always completed at elapsed time 6.32 sec. i don't understand why it happens.. can we set elapsed time ? plz answer.... pratik196@gmail.com


Which function is used to end a nested transaction?


How you identify performance test use cases of any application?


Why we insert the rendezvous point while running the scenario?


What is wasted time in vugen replay log?


What is think time?