Programming Code Interview Questions
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main() { char *p = "hello world"; p[0] = 'H'; printf("%s", p); } a. Runtime error. b. “Hello world” c. Compile error d. “hello world”


5 17942

main() { char * strA; char * strB = I am OK; memcpy( strA, strB, 6); } a. Runtime error. b. I am OK c. Compile error d. I am O


4 11100

How will you print % character? a. printf(“\%”) b. printf(“\\%”) c. printf(“%%”) d. printf(“\%%”)


4 8178

const int perplexed = 2; #define perplexed 3 main() { #ifdef perplexed #undef perplexed #define perplexed 4 #endif printf("%d",perplexed); } a. 0 b. 2 c. 4 d. none of the above

emc2, HCL,

1 8616

struct Foo { char *pName; }; main() { struct Foo *obj = malloc(sizeof(struct Foo)); clrscr(); strcpy(obj->pName,"Your Name"); printf("%s", obj->pName); } a. Your Name b. compile error c. Name d. Runtime error


3 7341

struct Foo { char *pName; char *pAddress; }; main() { struct Foo *obj = malloc(sizeof(struct Foo)); clrscr(); obj->pName = malloc(100); obj->pAddress = malloc(100); strcpy(obj->pName,"Your Name"); strcpy(obj->pAddress, "Your Address"); free(obj); printf("%s", obj->pName); printf("%s", obj->pAddress); } a. Your Name, Your Address b. Your Address, Your Address c. Your Name Your Name d. None of the above


2 9107

main() { char *a = "Hello "; char *b = "World"; clrscr(); printf("%s", strcat(a,b)); } a. Hello b. Hello World c. HelloWorld d. None of the above


3 8933

main() { char *a = "Hello "; char *b = "World"; clrscr(); printf("%s", strcpy(a,b)); } a. “Hello” b. “Hello World” c. “HelloWorld” d. None of the above

Corporate Society, HCL,

4 12935

void func1(int (*a)[10]) { printf("Ok it works"); } void func2(int a[][10]) { printf("Will this work?"); } main() { int a[10][10]; func1(a); func2(a); } a. Ok it works b. Will this work? c. Ok it worksWill this work? d. None of the above


1 10364

main() { printf("%d, %d", sizeof('c'), sizeof(100)); } a. 2, 2 b. 2, 100 c. 4, 100 d. 4, 4

HCL, IBM, Infosys, LG Soft, Satyam,

18 31167

main() { int i = 100; clrscr(); printf("%d", sizeof(sizeof(i))); } a. 2 b. 100 c. 4 d. none of the above


5 9956

main() { int c = 5; printf("%d", main||c); } a. 1 b. 5 c. 0 d. none of the above


2 7355

main() { char c; int i = 456; clrscr(); c = i; printf("%d", c); } a. 456 b. -456 c. random number d. none of the above

BrickRed, HCL,

3 11524

void main () { int x = 10; printf ("x = %d, y = %d", x,--x++); } a. 10, 10 b. 10, 9 c. 10, 11 d. none of the above


2 13778

main() { int i =10, j = 20; clrscr(); printf("%d, %d, ", j-- , --i); printf("%d, %d ", j++ , ++i); } a. 20, 10, 20, 10 b. 20, 9, 20, 10 c. 20, 9, 19, 10 d. 19, 9, 20, 10


4 11230

Un-Answered Questions { Programming Code }

What is full form of PEPSI


i want run following code on button click of view. i am trying to retrieve data from isc_order_details table and isc_product table. but after retriaval of data i m getting error like FIELD MUST BE ENTERED!! DECLARE m number; n number; CURSOR order_details IS SELECT PRODUCT_ORDER_QUAN,PRODUCT_ID FROM isc_order_details WHERE order_id=:isc_order_master.order_id; amount NUMBER (8,2):=0.0; alert number; BEGIN go_block('isc_order_details'); first_record; m:=:system.cursor_record; last_record; n:=:system.cursor_record; OPEN order_details; --for i in m..n loop FETCH order_details INTO :ISC_ORDER_DETAILS.PRODUCT_ORDER_QUAN,:ISC_ORDER_DETAIL S.PRODUCT_ID; IF order_details%FOUND THEN SELECT order_value,order_date INTO :ISC_ORDER_MASTER.ORDER_VALUE,:ISC_ORDER_MASTER.ORDER_D ATE FROM isc_order_master WHERE order_id=:ISC_ORDER_MASTER.ORDER_ID; SELECT product_desc,product_price INTO :ISC_ORDER_DETAILS.PRODUCT_DESC,:ISC_ORDER_DETAILS.PROD UCT_PRICE FROM isc_product WHERE product_id=:ISC_ORDER_DETAILS.PRODUCT_ID; next_record; END IF; EXIT WHEN order_details%NOTFOUND; END LOOP; last_record; CLOSE order_details; EXCEPTION when NO_DATA_FOUND then alert:=SHOW_ALERT('ENTER_DATA'); Go_Item('isc_order_master.order_id'); END;


write a program that reverses the input number of n.Formulate an equation to come up with the answer.


How to check if Folder is a Special Shell Folder ?


Code for Presenting Parent/Child Data in a Data Grid Row?


How can I create connection two blue-tooth mobile in j2me. please urgent


Hello Sir, Thanks for the Solution but, can you pls. Explain the coding for the Static Function & static variable from the below coding....waiting for Ans. class fact { public static void Main() { fact f=new fact(); int x=1; //Declaration of x as 1 int k=Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); for(int i=1;i<=k;i++) { x= x *i; } System.Console.WriteLine(x); } }


Code for Two Classes for Doing Gzip in Memory?


plz send code for manage group of hotels in j2ee frontend:J2EE Backend: DB2 Express


What is Generic" J2ME architecture?


what is runtime class?


3. Program to find the Sum of give series. a. (1)+(1+2)+(1+2+3)+(1+2+3+4)+……………………………….. b. 1/1+1/9+1/25+1/49+……………...


how to create a 3x3 two dimensional array that will give you the sums on the left and bottom columns


write a program using virtual function to find the transposing of a square matrix?


why do you use macros? Explain a situation where you had to incorporate macros in your proc report? use a simple instream data example with code ?