will any one told me if any interviewer ask u that wat type of defect tracking tool we use in project then wat will be the answer?
3 6671Post New LG Soft Interview Questions
How to integrate appache with weblogic?
What is a divider page?
What is the host?
What is it(bluetooth) - a technology, a standard, an initiative, or a product?
What are the various tools used in etl?
What is more important: reach or frequency?
What is schemabinding a view?
What is password shadowing?
Can you Explain a Bug life cycle
How to give permission to full permission in linux?
What is bubbled event?
what is machine key error in .NET how can we solve it?
What’s the difference between genericservlet and httpservlet?
What do you mean by keywords in c?
What are the communication channels available for a web service?