Programming Code Interview Questions
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write a program using 2 D that searches a number and display the number of items 12 inputs values input 15,20, 13, 30, 38, 40,16, 18, 20 ,18 ,20 enter no. to search : 20


how to write test case for a text field that should be mandatory


1 4223

Write a simple encryption program using string function which apply the substitution method.


¦void main() ¦{ ¦int i=10,j; ¦ j=i+++i+++i; ¦printf("%d",j); ¦getch(); ¦} ¦ output:-30 but in same question if we write as- ¦void main() ¦{ ¦int i=10; ¦ int j=i+++i+++i; ¦printf("%d",j); ¦getch(); ¦} ¦ output:-33 why output is changed from 30 to 33. Can any body answer...

3 7747

Design a program using one-dimensional array that determines the highest value among the eight input values from a user. Display the difference of each value from the highest to the lowest.


1 5455

I need help for Source Code & design of my school thesis enrollment system using visual basic 6.0/2008 database MS Access 2007. Please help me friends...Thanks...

1 3273

main() { int *ptr=(int*)malloc(sizeof(int)); *ptr=4; printf("%d",(*ptr)+++*ptr++); }


3 6243

readers and writers problem


1 4595

how to create a 3x3 two dimensional array that will give you the sums on the left and bottom columns


How to get Filename from Path?


How to Check if Folder Exists?


What is GUID anyway?


How to check if Folder is a Special Shell Folder ?


How to Get File Extension?


How to Check if File Exists?


Un-Answered Questions { Programming Code }

How to check if Folder is a Special Shell Folder ?


plzzzzzzzzz xplain this code import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.MenuItem.*; import java.sql.*; import sun.jdbc.odbc.*; import*; public class ShopDelivery extends Frame implements ActionListener { Label l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7,l8,l9,l10,l11,l12,l13; Button exit,save,next,top,prev,botm,ad,show; TextField txtCMemoNo,txtConsNo,txtCMemoDt,txtConsName,txtAddr1,txtPhNo ,txtBookDtold,txtPrintDt,txtOldCMemNo,txtOldDlryDt,adr2,adr3 ,tot,stnry,rmrk; String ConsName; String Addr1; public static void main(String sr[]) { new ShopDelivery().setVisible(true); } public ShopDelivery() { super("Shop Delivery"); Statement stmt; ResultSet rs; //PreparedStatement pst; Connection con; try { Class.forName ("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:Agency"); if (con!=null); System.out.println ("connected"); stmt =con.createStatement (); } catch(Exception e1) { System.out.println (e1); } setSize(1280,800); setBackground(Color.CYAN); setLayout(null); l1=new Label("Cashmemo No"); l1.setBounds(260,60,90,30); l1.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l1.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l1); l2=new Label("CONSMR NO"); l2.setBounds(30,60,90,30); l2.setFont(new Font("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l2.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l2); l3=new Label("Book DATE"); l3.setBounds(520,60,90,30); l3.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l3.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l3); l4=new Label("NAME"); l4.setBounds(30,150,45,30); l4.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l4.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l4); l5=new Label("ADRS"); l5.setBounds(30,220,45,30); l5.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l5.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l5); l6=new Label("PH NO"); l6.setBounds(500,150,45,30); l6.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l6.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l6); l7=new Label("OldBkDt"); l7.setBounds(30,390,55,30); l7.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l7.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l7); l8=new Label("Print Date"); l8.setBounds(320,390,65,30); l8.setFont(new Font("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l8.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l8); l9=new Label("CMemo No"); l9.setBounds(700,390,65,30); l9.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l9.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l9); l10=new Label("Del Date"); l10.setBounds(550,390,55,30); l10.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l10.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l10); l13=new Label("REMARKS"); l13.setBounds (30,630,85,30); l13.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l13.setAlignment (Label.CENTER); add(l13); txtCMemoNo=new TextField(); txtCMemoNo.setBounds(375,60,80,30); txtCMemoNo.setBackground(Color.white); add(txtCMemoNo); txtConsNo=new TextField(); txtConsNo.setBounds(130,60,80,30); txtConsNo.setBackground(Color.white); add(txtConsNo); txtCMemoDt=new TextField(); txtCMemoDt.setBounds(635,60,80,30); txtCMemoDt.setBackground(Color.white); add(txtCMemoDt); txtConsName=new TextField(); txtConsName.setBounds(100,150,200,30); txtConsName.setBackground(Color.white); add(txtConsName); txtAddr1=new TextField(); txtAddr1.setBounds(100,220,350,30); txtAddr1.setBackground(Color.white); add(txtAddr1); adr2=new TextField(); adr2.setBounds(100,250,350,30); adr2.setBackground(Color.white); add(adr2); adr3=new TextField(); adr3.setBounds(100,280,350,30); adr3.setBackground(Color.white); add(adr3); txtPhNo=new TextField(); txtPhNo.setBounds(570,150,150,30); txtPhNo.setBackground(Color.white); add(txtPhNo); txtBookDtold=new TextField(); txtBookDtold.setBounds(30,440,60,30); txtBookDtold.setBackground(Color.white); add(txtBookDtold); txtPrintDt=new TextField(); txtPrintDt.setBounds(320,440,60,30); txtPrintDt.setBackground(Color.white); add(txtPrintDt); txtOldCMemNo=new TextField(); txtOldCMemNo.setBounds(700,440,60,30); txtOldCMemNo.setBackground(Color.white); add(txtOldCMemNo); txtOldDlryDt=new TextField(); txtOldDlryDt.setBounds(550,440,60,30); txtOldDlryDt.setBackground(Color.white); add(txtOldDlryDt); rmrk=new TextField(); rmrk.setBounds(140,630,600,30); rmrk.setBackground(Color.white); add(rmrk); exit=new Button("EXIT"); exit.setBackground(; exit.setBounds(760,700,40,40); exit.addActionListener(this); add(exit); save=new Button("SAVE"); save.setBackground(; save.setBounds(715,700,40,40); save.addActionListener(this); add(save); next=new Button("NEXT"); next.setBackground(; next.setBounds(90,700,40,40); next.addActionListener(this); add(next); top=new Button("TOP"); top.setBackground(; top.setBounds(0,700,40,40); top.addActionListener(this); add(top); prev=new Button("PREV"); prev.setBackground(; prev.setBounds(45,700,40,40); prev.addActionListener(this); add(prev); botm=new Button("BOTM"); botm.setBackground (; botm.setBounds (135,700,40,40); botm.addActionListener (this); add(botm); ad=new Button("ADD"); ad.setBackground (; ad.setBounds (300,700,40,40); ad.addActionListener (this); add(ad); show=new Button("SHOW"); show.setBackground (; show.setBounds (345,700,40,40); show.addActionListener (this); add(show); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if(e.getSource()==exit) { this.dispose(); System.exit(0); } /*if(e.getSource()==save) { try { Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:Agency"); PreparedStatement pst=con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO NewCon values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); pst.setInt (1,Integer.parseInt(txtConsNo.getText())); pst.setInt (2,Integer.parseInt(txtCMemoNo.getText())); pst.setString (3,txtCMemoDt.getText()); pst.setString (4,txtConsName.getText()); pst.setInt(5,Integer.parseInt (txtPhNo.getText())); pst.setString(6,txtAddr1.getText()); pst.setString(7,adr2.getText()); pst.setString(8,adr3.getText()); pst.setInt(9,Integer.parseInt (txtBookDtold.getText())); pst.setInt(10,Integer.parseInt (txtPrintDt.getText())); pst.setInt(11,Integer.parseInt (txtOldDlryDt.getText())); pst.setInt(12,Integer.parseInt (txtCMemoNo.getText())); pst.setInt(13,Integer.parseInt (tot.getText())); pst.setInt(14,Integer.parseInt (stnry.getText())); pst.setString(15,rmrk.getText()); pst.executeUpdate (); con.close(); } catch(Exception e2) {System.out.println(e2);} //cs(txtConsName.getText (),txtAddr1.getText()); }*/ if(e.getSource()==ad) { try { txtCMemoNo.setText(""); txtCMemoDt.setText(""); txtConsName.setText(""); txtAddr1.setText(""); txtPhNo.setText(""); txtBookDtold.setText(""); txtPrintDt.setText(""); //txtCMemoNo.setText(""); txtOldDlryDt.setText(""); adr2.setText(""); adr3.setText(""); tot.setText(""); //stnry.setText(""); //rmrk.setText(""); Connection con1=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:Agency"); Statement stmt1=con1.createStatement(); ResultSet rs1=stmt1.executeQuery("SELECT Max(Cons_No) FROM NewCon"); int nextcono = rs1.getInt ("Cons_No"); System.out.println (nextcono); nextcono=nextcono+1; txtConsNo.setText ("nextcono"); con1.close(); } catch(Exception e4){} } } }


why nlogn is the lower limit of any sort algorithm?


Definition of priority queue was given. We have to implement the priority queue using array of pointers with the priorities given in the range 1..n. The array could be accessed using the variable top. The list corresponding to the array elements contains the items having the priority as the array index. Adding an item would require changing the value of top if it has higher priority than top. Extracting an item would require deleting the first element from the corresponding queue. The following class was given: class PriorityQueue { int *Data[100]; int top; public: void put(int item, int priority); // inserts the item with the given priority. int get(int priority); // extract the element with the given priority. int count(); // returns the total elements in the priority queue. int isEmpty(); // check whether the priority queue is empty or not. }; We had to implement all these class functions.


ArrayList declaration in .net


plz send code for manage group of hotels in j2ee frontend:J2EE Backend: DB2 Express


Write a program to model an exploding firecracker in the xy plane using a particle system


Can you send Code for Run Length Encoding Of BMP Image in C Language in linux(i.e Compression and Decompression) ?


Write a C/C++ program that connects to a MySQL server and checks if the InnoDB plug-in is installed on it. If so, your program should print the total number of disk writes by MySQL.


i want run following code on button click of view. i am trying to retrieve data from isc_order_details table and isc_product table. but after retriaval of data i m getting error like FIELD MUST BE ENTERED!! DECLARE m number; n number; CURSOR order_details IS SELECT PRODUCT_ORDER_QUAN,PRODUCT_ID FROM isc_order_details WHERE order_id=:isc_order_master.order_id; amount NUMBER (8,2):=0.0; alert number; BEGIN go_block('isc_order_details'); first_record; m:=:system.cursor_record; last_record; n:=:system.cursor_record; OPEN order_details; --for i in m..n loop FETCH order_details INTO :ISC_ORDER_DETAILS.PRODUCT_ORDER_QUAN,:ISC_ORDER_DETAIL S.PRODUCT_ID; IF order_details%FOUND THEN SELECT order_value,order_date INTO :ISC_ORDER_MASTER.ORDER_VALUE,:ISC_ORDER_MASTER.ORDER_D ATE FROM isc_order_master WHERE order_id=:ISC_ORDER_MASTER.ORDER_ID; SELECT product_desc,product_price INTO :ISC_ORDER_DETAILS.PRODUCT_DESC,:ISC_ORDER_DETAILS.PROD UCT_PRICE FROM isc_product WHERE product_id=:ISC_ORDER_DETAILS.PRODUCT_ID; next_record; END IF; EXIT WHEN order_details%NOTFOUND; END LOOP; last_record; CLOSE order_details; EXCEPTION when NO_DATA_FOUND then alert:=SHOW_ALERT('ENTER_DATA'); Go_Item('isc_order_master.order_id'); END;


How to Check if Folder Exists?


write a program to convert temperature from fa height into celcius and vise versa,use modular programming


Devise a program to implement the Fibonacci sequence.


Given a table of the form: Product Sold on A 1/1/1980 B 1/1/1980 C 1/1/1980 A 1/1/1980 B 1/1/1980 C 2/1/1980 A 2/1/1980 There are 30 products and 10,000 records of such type. Also the month period during which sales happened is given to u. Write the program to display the result as: Product Month No. of copies A January 12 A February 15 A March 27 B January 54 B February 15 B March 10 C January 37


can you use proc sql to manpulate a data set or would u prefer to use proc report ? if so why ? make up an example and explain in detail