

char * strA;

char * strB = I am OK;

memcpy( strA, strB, 6);


a. Runtime error.

b. I am OK

c. Compile error

d. I am O

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main() { char * strA; char * strB = I am OK; memcpy( strA, strB, 6); } a...

Answer / chandra

Answer is (c)compile error

compiler cannot initialize the string with out "". Hence any
compiler throws an error

If the string is with in "", then answer will be(a) Runtime
since the string strA is used with out being initialized

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 0 No

main() { char * strA; char * strB = I am OK; memcpy( strA, strB, 6); } a...

Answer / guest

c) I am OK is not in " "

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 2 No

main() { char * strA; char * strB = I am OK; memcpy( strA, strB, 6); } a...

Answer / madhu

Runtime error

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 1 No

main() { char * strA; char * strB = I am OK; memcpy( strA, strB, 6); } a...

Answer / prashant

if quotes are inserted ans will be -->
d) I am O

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 3 No

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