Manual Testing Interview Questions
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Hi , Am Working in Testing(manual) in one of company in chennai and am testing on web portals i.e our company own products.So am testing manually . can i know My Designation is SOFTWARE TEST ENGINEER OR QA ENGINEER ?

3 7489

Generally which testing methodology we follow in software organizations. thanx in adv

4 6554

May i know now-a-days most of the companies are following which model?

7 8243

what is risk based testing ?


6 10598

1. How many Process are there in Testing Life Cycle?


18 17189

1Testing process followed in your company … 3. Testing Methodology 4. Where u maintains the Repositories? 5. What is CVS? 6. Bug Tool used? 7. How will you prepare traceability matrix if there is no Business Doc and Functional Doc? 8. How will you validate the functionality of the Test cases, if there is no business requirement document or user requirement document as such… 9. Testing process followed in your company? 10. Tell me about CMM LEVEL -4 …what are steps that to be followed to achieve the CMM -IV standards? 11. What is Back End testing? 14. How will u write traceability matrix? 15. What is CVS and why it is used? 16. What will be specified in the Defect Report…? 17. What is Test summary Report…? 18. What is Test Closure report…? 21. What are the Testing methodologies that u have followed in your project ? 22. What kind of testing that u have been involved in and explain about it…. 24. What is joins and what are the different types of joins in SQL and explain the same? 25. What is Foreign Key in SQL…?


2 12137

What is the diff. between Sanity , smoke and ad-hoc testing?

8 31545

What metrics will be collected during the Testing i.e from requirement Phase to Maintainance Phase

1 5050

can anybody tell me what is thread testing with a practical example,coz the defn is liitle complex it seems.

3 16008

what are the advantages of manual and automation testing ? and which one would u term as efficent testing and effective testing ?pls do reply thankx in advance


Once the build is given to the tester,what are the test he is going to conduct list them in chronological order .....its urgent


5 8701

Can u tell Bug Report Tool

5 6088

Can u tell What kind of Bug Report Tool are u using in ur project

4 5045

How can a LOG for testcases be maitained which can give information about a TestCase that is it new one or has been occured in previous versions of the software.


i m going to pay for air reservation online and i m paying through credit card supose i give credit card no u chk this is valid or not.wat validation u put for kind of fields


2 5112

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What are bug leakage and bug release?


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How to do Pixel Size testing in a PDF document. Is there any Open tool that will be avaiable?


Test cases on send/ receive button of Microsoft outlook.


What is the difference between action & script ?


what is the testing approach for windows Explorer(Not IE Explorer)


Which test cases are written first: white boxes or black boxes?


What are the qualities needed by a software tester?


what are your achievements in your organization ? Guyz very very urgent , help me


How do you define a testing policy?


write the test senario on opening door in the flow diagram format


hai friends, I need clarifications for some doubts in testing terminology. 1.What is thread testing. 2.What is bucket testing and which automated tool is used to do this test. 3. ERP testin automation testing. 4.What is Data Warehousing testing? 5.What is Implementation testing? 6.What is Shake out testing? please let me have the clarifications in detail


Katari your questions was really helpful could you please send the questions and answers with them . Can anyone sends the top 30-40 question and answers for the interview purposes


Why would we not include these?