UPSC History Interview Questions
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What are the three most common features of all Indus Valley sites

2 5141

What are the likely purposes of the Great Bath in the citadel at Mohnjodaro

1 5159

Where the largest number of Harappan sites discovered in India

3 6347

Why almost all Harappan towns hand large granaries

1 3925

What are the two important things that Harappan civilization contributed to the mankind

4 6174

Which metal widely used by the Indus valley people


5 18010

Where the latest Harappan site discovered in Gujarat

2 9028

?The world is God and God is my soul? which propounded the concept

2 9692

IN which you can find the famous Gayatri Mantras

3 4672

?War begins in the minds of men? in which veda you can find it

1 8196

Describe is the social life of the Vedic people

2 6499

Between whom the famous ?Battle of Ten kings? was fought as mentioned in the Rigveda

2 6377

What was the normal form of government in Vedic period

2 8673

ON which system the famous ?Frog Hymn? throws light in vedic period

2 5021

In which Veda you can find the ?Wedding Hymn? describing the oldest marriage ritual

1 3625

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