UPSC History Interview Questions
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What was the name of Military head in Delhi Sulthanate

10 9835

why the round table confrence 1931 is called as ROUND TABLE CONFRENCE

5 6751

name of indian states which is proclaimed by emergency

3 4018

Which author translated the Ramayana in Jainism and rendered a Jain version of it called, Paumucarya

1 3041

What does the term ghatika refer to ?

2 13027

Which newspaper was started by Madan Mohan Malviya ?

2 4437

With whom is the Ryotwari settlement associated ?

1 2925

In the Maratha administration, who was Waqa-i-navis ?

1 4059

The dockyard in Lothal was connected through a channel to which river ?

2 7168

The Gayatri Mantra is addressed to which deity ?

9 9290

Which Sikh guru laid the foundation of Amritsar ?


9 19884

Which of the following was a unit of land measurement ?

2 6338

What is kharaj ?

9 11128

who controlled the roman senat after the plebians


1 3492

Who was the first person to hang till death during Freedom stuggle? 1.Bhagat Singh 2.Ram Pd. Bismil 3.Khudi Ram Bose 4.Asfak Ullah Khan.


18 17062

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