UPSC History Interview Questions
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Where the first Portuguese fort on Indian soil was built

1 3113

Which was the East India Company's first "Presidency" in India

3 3505

The English Governor who was expelled by Aurangazeb was

1 3161

Who was founder of Madras

1 3547

Why Aurangazeb ordered to arrest all English men and seizure of all English factories in his dominions

1 2711

What were the important cultural factors responsible for rise of Marathas

1 3092

Who influenced a lot in the career of Shivaji

1 3096

Whom did Shivaji regarded as his guru

1 3649

Against which, Shivaji conducted his last and longest campaign

1 3547

What was the most achievement of Shivaji

1 4002

Who was popularly known as Nana Saheb

3 6966

During whose Peshwaship did Maratha power reached its zenith

3 7057

The poet philosopher aswaghosa was a courtier of:

1 3063

Who among the following was the constituent advisor to the Constituent Assembly?


1 1638

Who was the Peshwa at the time of 3rd battle of panipat

1 1056

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