C Interview Questions
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24.what is a void pointer? 25.why arithmetic operation can’t be performed on a void pointer? 26.differentiate between const char *a; char *const a; and char const *a; 27.compare array with pointer? 28.what is a NULL pointer? 29.what does ‘segmentation violation’ mean? 30.what does ‘Bus Error’ mean? 31.Define function pointers? 32.How do you initialize function pointers? Give an example? 33.where can function pointers be used?

2 9223

34.what are bitwise shift operators? 35.what are bit fields? What is the use of bit fields in a structure declaration? 36.what is the size of an integer variable? 37.what are the files which are automatically opened when a c file is executed? 38.what is the little endian and big endian? 39.what is the use of fflush() function? 40.what is the difference between exit() and _exit() functions? 41.where does malloc() function get the memory? 42.what is the difference between malloc() and calloc() function? 43.what is the difference between postfix and prefix unary increment operators?

3 5536

44.what is the difference between strcpy() and memcpy() function? 45.what is output of the following statetment? 46.Printf(“%x”, -1<<4); ? 47.will the program compile? int i; scanf(“%d”,i); printf(“%d”,i); 48.write a string copy function routine? 49.swap two integer variables without using a third temporary variable? 50.how do you redirect stdout value from a program to a file? 51.write a program that finds the factorial of a number using recursion?


6 9973

52.write a “Hello World” program in “c” without using a semicolon? 53.Give a method to count the number of ones in a 32 bit number? 54.write a program that print itself even if the source file is deleted? 55.Given an unsigned integer, find if the number is power of 2?

Datamatics, Solartis, TCS, ThinkBox, Trine,

25 55270

Given an array A[n+m] of n+m numbers, where A[1] ... A[n] is sorted and A[n+1] ... A[n+m] is sorted. Design a linear time algorithm to obtain A[1...n+m] sorted using only O(1) extra space. Time Complexity of your algorithm should be O(n) and Space Complexity O(1).


What is meant by int fun const(int a, int b) { .... ... }

1 5062

How can I get Single byte from 'int' type variable? Can we alter single bit or multiple bits in int type variable? if so, How?

2 6700

Can we access RAM? How? Whats the range of access? Similarly What are other hardware we can access?

1 3344

Which command is more efficient? *(ptr+1) or ptr[1]

3 5914

Function to find the given number is a power of 2 or not?

Motorola, nvidia,

20 40325

Program to write some contents into a file using file operations with proper error messages.

2 4717

how to find that no is int or float?

5 7650

can we access one file to one directory?

1 3462

will u give me old quesrion papers for aptitude for L & t info tech?

Hindustan, L&T,

1 5530

Here is alphabets : abcdefgh 1) how to reverse. as hgfedcba 2) after reversal, how to group them in a pair hg fe dc ba.

2 5914

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Explain the difference between the local variable and global variable in c?


find the value of y y = 1.5x+3 for x<=2 y = 2x+5 for x>2


can we have joblib in a proc ?


Is c high or low level?


What is the difference between %d and %i?


What is #error and use of it?


What is multidimensional arrays


int far *near * p; means


I just typed in this program, and it is acting strangely. Can you see anything wrong with it?


What's the total generic pointer type?


Why calloc is better than malloc?


Why are all header files not declared in every c program?


How can variables be characterized?


program for reversing a selected line word by word when multiple lines are given without using strrev


What happens if a header file is included twice?