C Interview Questions
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What is the difference between a structure and a union?

1 192

How can you dynamically allocate memory in C?

1 122

What are macros in C?

1 122

What is a segmentation fault?

1 174

What is the use of the sizeof operator?

1 229

Explain the difference between fopen() and freopen().

1 146

What is the difference between calloc() and realloc()?

1 169

Explain #pragma in C.

1 153

What are dangling pointers?

1 167

What is undefined behavior?

1 181

What is the use of the restrict keyword?

1 148

What is an lvalue and an rvalue?

1 174

Can a program have multiple main() functions?

1 149

What is the output of printf("%d", printf("Hello"));?

1 170

Why is C called a middle-level language?

1 145

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Un-Answered Questions { C }

How can I discover how many arguments a function was actually called with?


What will be your course of action for a push operation?


any function have arguments one or more OR not . it is compulsary a) any function compulsary have one or more arguments b) any function did not have arguments. It is not compulsary c) it is optional it is not compulsary d) none of the above


Was 2000 a leap year?


Why does everyone say not to use gets?


main() { int i = 10; printf(" %d %d %d ", ++i, i++, ++i); }


Explain what is output redirection?


Why ca not I do something like this?


How do we declare variables in c?


Add Two Numbers Without Using the Addition Operator


how to make a scientific calculater ?


Explain what’s a signal? Explain what do I use signals for?


#include { printf("Hello"); } how compile time affects when we add additional header file .


What is structure padding and packing in c?


main use of recursive function a) processing speed high b) reduce program length/reduce repeated statements c) if you do not, use iterative methods like, for, while or do-while d) all the above