C Interview Questions
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What is the difference between void main() and int main()?

1 179

What are static functions?

1 176

How to avoid buffer overflow?

1 177

What are function pointers? Provide an example.

1 178

Explain command-line arguments in C.

1 156

What are static variables, and where are they stored?

1 29

What is a const pointer, and how does it differ from a pointer to a const?

1 30

. Explain the differences between fork() and exec() in C

1 184

How does the C program handle segmentation faults?

1 205

What is the difference between malloc() and realloc()?

1 181

Explain the concept of "dangling pointers" in C.

1 210

How do you prevent buffer overflows in C?

1 181

What is the restrict keyword in C?

1 176

Explain the difference between struct and union.

1 181

What is the purpose of #pragma directives in C?

1 183

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Un-Answered Questions { C }

why arguments can generally be passed to functions a) sending the values of the arguments b) sending the addresses of the arguments c) a & b d) none of the above


What is derived datatype in c?


What is the difference between specifying a constant variable like with constant keyword and #define it? i.e what is the difference between CONSTANT FLOAT A=1.25 and #define A 1.25


I need a help with a program: Write a C program that uses data input in determining the whole of points A and a whole of circles B. Find two points in A so that the line which passes through them, cut through the maximum number of circles.


What is 2 d array in c?


Is exit(status) truly equivalent to returning the same status from main?


What is sizeof array in c?


What are the basic data types associated with c?


I heard that you have to include stdio.h before calling printf. Why?


pierrot's divisor program using c or c++ code


What is the difference between the expression “++a” and “a++”?


diff between exptected result and requirement?


Explain what is #line used for?


Write program to remove duplicate in an array?


number of times a digit is present in a number