MainFrame Interview Questions
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How to read records which is in sequential file in reverse order ? Exp. 1 2 3 4 5 . i want 5 4 3 2 1?please clear my doubt any one


10 23663

How to create a key field for a logical file inside RPG?


4 12504

Can somebody tell me that, Is it possible to read all the member of PF without OVRDBF?

6 10678

What is the OPEN and CLOSE accesspath?


3 8648

what is estimation? and what is the level identifier parameter in PF?


3 7583

IN RLU what are the record level keyword is used?

iGate, TCS,

5 12820

What is "Call by content" and "call by reference"?

ADP, Syntel,

4 19908

what built in function can be used with SETLL.If you want to check whether the search argument is successful or not? Please give me answer with example?

3 8417

what is mean by *MAP and *DROP?what commands use these two keywords?why are they used?

4 17279

write the SQL statement to retrieve the 2nd Highest salary ammount(File Name="EMPLOY",Field Name="SALARY")

Bally Technologies, Cognizant, Vertex,

6 18281

How can we find from which source the program has been compiled for a given RPGLE program object?

5 13747

Please give me the code for A=A+1 in cl program?

2 6058

what is the correct about QTEMP library(below mention)? is Unique to a job can be shared between different job can only be deleted by QSECOFR d.Non Please give me the answer for this?


8 10889

An rpg program is processing an openquery file.The file is declared in update mode in F spec.Can we update this file? Please explain?

3 11730

A phisical file has two fields like 1) Account No(10,0) 2)Phone No(15,0)Unique on both fields?Please give me the answer for this?

3 6441

Un-Answered Questions { MainFrame }

have in 100 records in a file i want to read first 3 records and skip next 3 records and agan i want to read 3 records and again i want to skip 3 records... run a loop from record one to 10 evaluate i/3 if comes even then skip else write to output file


Name the sections present in data division.


What is the connection string to connect to the DB2 Database ?


I have created a command that display Source file and library. Now i want that when i enter library name and press f4 on Source file, pgm should display all the PF- SRC's in that Library. For F4 option i have used Choice program but since only limited paramters are passed in Choice pgm i am not able to paas library name and further can't call a pgm that will display list of Source files. Below is the Code snippet for CMD type object :- CMD PROMPT('Source Scan for HUB Standard') PARM KWD(SOURCE) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(1) RSTD(*YES) + VALUES(N A) MIN(1) + CHOICE('N,A') PARM KWD(SRCFILE) TYPE(FILE) RSTD(*NO) + PROMPT('SOURCE FILE') FILE: QUAL TYPE(*NAME) LEN(10) RSTD(*NO) EXPR (*YES) + CHOICE(*PGM) + CHOICEPGM (XXXXXLIB/YYYPGM) QUAL TYPE(*NAME) LEN(10) DFT(*LIBL) + SPCVAL((*LIBL)) EXPR(*YES) PROMPT ('Library') Below is the Choice pgm:- PGM PARM(&PARM1 &PARM2) DCL VAR(&PARM1) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN (21) DCL VAR(&PARM2) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN (2000) IF COND(%SST(&PARM1 1 10) = 'CHOICE ' *AND + %SST(&PARM1 11 10) = 'SRCFILE ' *AND + (%SST(&PARM1 21 1) = 'C' *OR %SST (&PARM1 + 21 1) = 'P')) THEN (DO) /* (%SST(&PARM1 21 1) = 'C' *OR %SST (&PARM1 + */ CHGVAR VAR(&PARM2) VALUE('Name, F4 for List') ENDDO IF COND(%SST(&PARM1 1 10) = 'CHOICE ' *AND + %SST(&PARM1 11 10) = 'SRCFILE ' *AND + %SST(&PARM1 21 1) = 'P') THEN (DO) CHGVAR VAR(&PARM2) VALUE('Name, F4 for List') CALL PGM(GTSQL) PARM ('XXXXLIB') return ENDDO Thanks in Advance for looking into.


How do you simulate the explain of an embedded sql statement in spufi/qmf?


Explain what all the conditiones required for using open opcode on a file?


what do you mean by the cobol record key clause in vsam?


If I have limited experience with Rexx or it's been a long time since I've used it, what kind of help is available to get me started?


1)In a pf if we delete a record then how to insert a new record at the same place in that pf?? any logic or code? 2)A batch job is taking a lot of time to run,found that it is going into loop and wrapping up so how to skip that loop and process the job without changing the code? 3)In which scenario C D I R comes and C D G F comes in a job? 4)If a job came to error while processing a file how we can know at which record the error hit and how to skip that record and process other records without changing program code?


what is full form for dds?


I have a pf, it contains 5 members, how to access particular member data from logical file?


What is an ook-rec in idms?


What is the maximum length of a single line of jcl?


Differentiate between control interval (ci) and control area (ca)?


What are some uses of the evaluate statement? Explore the syntax of the evaluate statement?