Software Interview Questions
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In third party order processing what are the standard G/L A/c's to be posted in ME21?


I want to give a special discount to area wise/location wise customers (e.g. that discount will only receive customers of kolkata or Mumbai only). How to configure this?

1 4101

How to change chart of accounts of company code after making several sales orders and delivery?


What is the function of NRAB condition type in free goods determination?

6 15158

What is the function of RA00 and RA01 condition types and how does they work in sales order, Please answer.

2 16915

can any one suggestion me present which course(except java,.net) has huge demand in the market?


2) Write a program that will help Air Traffic Control for an airport to view the sequence of flights ready for take-off. The airport can accommodate 10 flights waiting for take-off at any point in time. Each flight has a unique 3 digit numeric identifier.  Each time a flight takes-off, Air Traffic Control adds a flight to the waitlist. Each time a flight is added to the waitlist, the list of flights waiting to take-off must be displayed.  When a flight is cleared for take-off, Air Traffic Control removes the flight from the waitlist. Each time a flight takes-off, the list of flights waiting to take-off must be displayed.  Sequence of take-off is the sequence of addition to the waitlist


Source is Sales Table: Sno Prod Sales Sales_Amount 1 A 10 2000 2 A 20 1000 3 C 10 3000 4 D 30 4000 5 A 20 1000 Target : Sales_Count T_Sales_Amt Sales_Count(A) T_Sales_Amt(A) 90 11000 50 4000 In single query, pls tell me.


5 7038

Performance wise which is better joiner or look up ? Give me with example?


1 10461

what is surrogate id ?


3 7149

How many partitions does a node can have? Some body explain me clearly about the partitions and the nodes?

3 8065

when i declare as: void main() { clrscr(); int a=10; printf("%d",a) } my problem that why generate a error in above programs. please tell me answer seriously .

4 10106

how to copy the disk image

1 3958

Develop a program that computes the new price of an item. The program should receive a character variable colour and a double precision floating-point variable price from the user. Discount rate is determined based on the colour of the discount sticker, as shown in the following table. An error message should be printed if an invalid colour has been entered

1 3402

whats the diff bw the evaluate also and and?



Un-Answered Questions { Software }

What javascript method would convert the string “20” to an integer (on the fly) so “20” + 20 = 40?


Why use a tuple instead of a list?


What exactly is a shell?


Which feature in sql server 2008 has surprised you? You can name just one. : sql server database administration


What do you understand by the term 'system change number (scn)'?


What are kml and xml files?


What are the various class of devices in DLNA?


Tell us some seo blogs that you frequently read?


Brief about the command kill PID?


Why ms access is better than excel?


What is the access modifier in scala?


How do I change margins in powerpoint 2010?


What is the significance of CommandBehavior.CloseConnection ?


Can you define data lake?


What is table properties of formRef and ReportRef ?