Software Interview Questions
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what is database teesting?

4 5002

what is the difference between jad and manifest file?


6 13645

How we add our function in liabrary as liabrary function. Exp. we want use our int factorical(int); function as int pow(int,int); function working in math header file.

1 3052

Please give an example of White box Testing?


3 14548

write test case for mobile and refile-pen?


1 4023

Hi i want to export the data from applicatioon to excel and later i want to import and use it for my scripts hoe can i do this?

1 2883

What is name mangling?

3 5875

What is dangling pointers?and what is memory leak?

5 41210

hi iam learning mainframes,can anybody tell me how to check JCL errors.(after submiting the JCL we have check in spool or is there any other method)

8 22165

Testing an SAP B1 -Add -on ? How?Different types of testing done, functional areas to be tested, any check list for testing SAP B1 as SAP takes care of Date fields, validation of text fields, telephone fields etc.... ?What to be tested and how?


i want to know how the commit option works,how it save the changes? it will update the database or what ? where we can see these saved changes?

4 5803

What is air_project_parameters and air_sandbox_overrides? what is the relation between them?


1 21690

what are the steps in actual ab initio graph processing including general,pre and post process settings?

2 14897

how to pass session value one url to another code if session("user")="abc" then response.redirect("\client\home.aspx") end if. so how to pass value of session in browser url

1 4306

give me a example of writing a test case,take any good example which i can understand easily.



Un-Answered Questions { Software }

What are dynamic loading?


What are the reasons that cookie server can’t handle multiple connections?


How to make thread sleep less than a millisecond on windows?


What is the difference between private & public & friendly classes?


What are sink processors?


I AM TRYING PORT CODE FROM WINRUNNER TO QTP AND DON'T KNOW TO HOW TO CHECK THE ERRORS. IN WINRUNNER FUNCTION RETURNS EIGHER 0 OR -1 AGAINST WHICH RESULT CAN BE MADE PASS OR FAIL BUT IN QTP I DON'T SEE FUNCTIONS RETURNING ANY VALUE. APPRECIATE IF ANYONE COULD HELP ME CONVERTING FOLLWOING WINRUNNER CODE TO QTP. set_window("Customer Service"); rc = web_obj_get_text("Summary","#2","#4",ssn,""," ",1); if (rc != E_OK) { report_msg("[GetSubscriberSummary] Could Not get subscriber SSN; rc = "&rc); myRC = rc; } else { ssn = StripBlank(ssn); if (DEBUG) report_msg ("[GetSubscriberSummary] SSN: "&ssn); }


Define the process of jenkins.


Can any one send me oracle form and reports tutorials from which i may get me on my mail


How do I create an index in word 2007?


What is hibernate in j2ee?


Enlist the types of linq?


How to restrict page errors display in a JSP page?


What is crud mvc?


What is event flow in term of event handling in flash action script 3.0? : adobe flex action script


Can you define a gdg?