Software Interview Questions
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I am searching for job in s/w Testing. I completed the course, and hav 6 months exp as a Trainee Tester. I hv registered in all possible job-portals. But am nt gettin the response for that, instead i'm getting responses for my previous experience.(fyi: this is a shift in career. Earlier i worked in an international call center, which in fact was a diversion from my career). Can u giv me some suggestions as to hw to proceed? i am thinking of trying thru consultancies (i'm from Bangalore). Is there some things which i need to look out for? Plz guide me, in case i miss out on some important things. Thnx for all answers.


with out sorting how to copy records from one file to another file using jcl.Mean I have one input file in which the record are like 1,6,5,4,2,3(for example) and i want to copy to output file from top to bottom(without sorting) like 3,2,4,5,6, I want the JCL for this.cna any one can answers?


1 16243

What's the use of Transaction code "YDPR"? In which module?

2 6069

what are test repository???? need for test repository/need for maintaining test cases?? advantages and disadvantages for maintaining test case??

2 9139

need for documenting test cases??? advantages and disadvantages of documenting test cases???

2 15327

what is the difference between unique and primary key

5 4473

I need to know, what is Traceability matrix? How, Who and where we prepare it? What are contents of it?

2 4535

How many asset classes are there in asset master records?


8 16196

Need provab technical test questions


Please let me know if UNION ALL and Natural Join does the same operation and are same...


7 12876

What things would be checked after upgrade SAP 4.7 to 6.0 to make sure that all transfered data are still complete ?

1 4306

what is the syallabus of computer science students in group- 1?


What is deference between,, c# & j#

2 6194

Is it possible to upload a file using Ajax ? Reason


7 12136

This is regarding file uploading. 1. Who will be the owner of the uploaded file ? 2. What permission you will give for an uploaded file ? 3. What is mean by user, group and others and what kind of permission you will give for each user and explain the reason?


1 3865

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

How Azure services are managed?


What are R applications of R clustering?


Why swift is faster then objective c?


What is a static method?


Describe impala shell (impala-shell command)?


Describe how a .net application is compiled and executed


What is the difference between HDFS block and input split?


What is distributed load testing & how to achieve it?


What are the different modules where you can use gpa?


How do we implement inheritance in c++?


Mention the three levels for applying interceptor methods.


Why .exe files are dangerous?


What is TPD?


Is eclipse written in java?


What are telerik controls?