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Essar Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
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how to changeover ups in this power failur time?


what is international rules of electrical?

5 6583

how to enter inverter parameter? without manaual?


What happens if we give ac supply to dc shunt and series motors individually

4 9858

How can we calculate the power factor of an electrical appliance ? Is there any formula ? Is there any meter around to calculate it ? And how to use that meter ? thanks

2 6122

what is tha between elcb & rccb?

3 5543

power inverter we are using 2n3773 power transister in that places we can use any IGBT ?

1 4065


1 3527

what is the basic difference between capacitor and condenser ?

17 51286

Why the starting current in Induction Motor is very high as compared to normal rated current ????

6 16000

What will happen if 60 Hz rated transformer is connected to the supply of 50 Hz say 415 V (3-phase) step up to 3.3 kV...?? ?

2 6625

what is high voltage in india?

11 14235

we erected (48HP)63kva dist transformer and incoming from 11kv line,out going is 415v domastic line 2.04 km.for that actual output current is 84A. what are the losses and final output current.

3 4759

Whats parameters which we keep in mind when grounded any electrical machine.

1 3352

in transfomer which type of oil is use!

9 9835

Post New Essar Electrical Engineering Interview Questions

Essar Electrical Engineering Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

I was once rejected for US visa in early August. But now I'm going again for interview next week. What are the chances that I will faced the same VO????


Explain who proposed law of mass action? What does it states?


in my industry we are using 3 step up transformers for induction heaters..i.e 415/580v and other are 11/ power consumption does a step trnsformer makes any difference compared to step up?? plz explain


What are the hardware communication interfaces present in the arduino board?


Is oracle java 11 free?


What are espots and how do we manage them?


Name the arithmetic operators supported by python.


What is an iterator class in c++?


What are the considerations for deciding on transaction boundaries?


What is the basic philosophy of treatment in ayurveda?


line up procedure for dp type flow transmitter?


What is next sentence and continue unique?


Do you know three ways of applying layouts in SilverLight?


What does += mean coding?


Can we store videos in mysql database?