What is parallel foreach in c#?
What are the recommended systems?
Speak on your unforgettable or memorable day for two minutes?
When is proposed divided a current Liability and when is it non-current liability? Why is it in the list of Current Capital Accounts?
What is a node in neo4j?
Describe a time when you anticipated potential problems and developed preventive measures.
How long do goats sleep?
1)you have multiple source system where u receive files ,how do you actually load into mapping using transformation,what are the transformation you use? 2)you have files in ftp location ,how do you get it into mapping with you ETL concept?
Web-ui shows that half of the datanodes are in decommissioning mode. What does that mean? Is it safe to remove those nodes from the network?
Briefly explain input and put function?
Find duplicates in infinite range. Which data structure to be used to give efficient solution?
What is parallel/audit testing?
what about is the default port number for mq queue manager?
How to install mongodb on our machine?
What is drupal panels?