why for transformer protection we protect tranformer from 3rd hormonics and 5th hormonics and what is the reason of generating these horminics in electrical system?
2 8854In step down transformer (415/200V),mistakenly secondary side is connected to 415V for some hours, what would be result of this condition?
19 25799Can anybody tell me how to select the size of earthing cable for DCS & PLC system.Please tell me any relevant answer here or mail it to me.
1811What is the Polarisation index value ? (pi value)and simple definition of polarisation index ?
15 77267a 3 phase slip ring induction motor is wound for 4 poles on stator and 6 poles on rotor; when 3 phase balanced voltage source at 50 hz is applied to motor it will run at a)1500rpm b)1000rpm c)750 rpm d)zero rpm
13 23288Post New Essar Interview Questions
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