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Essar Interview Questions
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i want all question & answers of the written exam

1 3019

Whats the diference between Induction motor and servo motor

3 9131

why for transformer protection we protect tranformer from 3rd hormonics and 5th hormonics and what is the reason of generating these horminics in electrical system?

2 8631

In step down transformer (415/200V),mistakenly secondary side is connected to 415V for some hours, what would be result of this condition?

19 24723

can u please tell me how VFD(variable frequency) drive is used as a energy saver....?

12 17635

what are the various questions asked on excel in an interview

2 13302

check list of maintenance of transformer?

11 109571

Can anybody tell me how to select the size of earthing cable for DCS & PLC system.Please tell me any relevant answer here or mail it to me.


why we are not earthing ht cable at both the ends(sending & receiving end)?

5 12179

where does preliminary expenses put in the balance sheet?

8 22829

What is the Polarisation index value ? (pi value)and simple definition of polarisation index ?

15 76327

a 3 phase slip ring induction motor is wound for 4 poles on stator and 6 poles on rotor; when 3 phase balanced voltage source at 50 hz is applied to motor it will run at a)1500rpm b)1000rpm c)750 rpm d)zero rpm

13 22113

What is cutt off ratio in IC Engines.give proper defination.

5 41660

Distinguish between Earth & Neutral?

5 7748

why water's critical point is 4*c ?

4 5883

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What is the Government's contribution to IT in India?


i am currently working in mainframes in cobol(old version without OOPS concepts. I wish to be more specialised in specific product or language or tool in mainframes, so willing to take up training and learn one.what is the most widely asked tool or specific package in mainframes that has a great demand in market as of now?


Why node.js is single threaded?


What is difference between visualforce components and lightning components?


How can my program discover the complete pathname to the executable from which it was invoked?


What is thumbnail?


How to open a window with no toolbar, but with the location object?


Wherever (Different Directory) I run the hive query, it creates new metastore_db, please explain the reason for it?


Who did you have to impress and why?


What is masterpage?


What is xsl format?


What are j2ee technologies?


What are subroutines? : abap modularization


Difference between dispose and finallize method?


How to Start Boiler Electrical Feed Pump? I mean to How to Charge it?