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Dr Reddys Analytical Chemistry Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

Describe your experience with quality assurance and quality control analyses?

11 36858

what is analytical chemistry all about?

6 21682

One pH means how much volts and milivolts?

7 33386

What is diffrence between residue on ignition and sulphated ash?

37 198278

How to calculate LOD & LOQ in HPLC Validation Method

14 112871

Why we are using only KBr in IR spectrometer why not KCl

10 33558

Difference between c18

6 51430

principle of UV , PDA , RI detector in HPLC


what is pKa ?

10 20924

How you can calculate pKa ?

6 17712

what buffer you can select for acidic nature analyte and how ?

2 13232

What is Specificity ?

8 14905

Whya the need of Specificity to do in Analytical Method Validation ?

5 14540

What is the defination of Bulk density?

4 14373

What is the Defination of Tapdensity ?

4 12507

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What are components of report studio?


Define RDBMS.


How to get a create statement for an existing table?


Where is outlook cache stored?


What is the function of 'selective deletion' tab in the manage contents of an infocube?


What are the classes, Tables, Forms and Methods used to post the Inventory?


What are the three types of tags for text fields exist in jsf?


Explain the difference in scope for these two variables: @@name and @name?


What does f.o.f. Stand for in piping design?


When would you update a sap table directly?


Name some applications which use linked lists.


Is single instance storage maintained when moving users between servers | storage groups | databases?


What are the javascript data types?