What is the difference between iiot and iot?
How do you create an argument in excel?
Write down program for following scenario. Use java coding standard. You have array list with some words in it..we will call it as dictionary….and you have a arbitrary string containing some chars in it. You have to go through each word of dictionary and find out if that word can be constructed with the help of chars from arbitrary string given. If you find the word print it else print none.
How do I turn off activex?
How to encode and decode a url in javascript?
What is the difference between persist() and cache()?
How can be determining the size of the log files?
What is sales office? How do you set up sales office?
Which price of material is fetched while calculating material price in planned and actual cost in maintenance order?
Describe the complexity of Binary search, Quicksort and various other sorting and searching techniques..
What you know about transaction control transformation?
How do you upload a bot to a control room in Automation Anywhere?
Tell me how will we take back up all computer in domain in single shot?
What is the difference between update and upgrade?
What would be the result of the command paste -s dog cat?