I failed in versant round in wipro.can anybody helps how to crack it.any trick is there?I want to clear it.
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What the class of getContent Activity?
i m putting 2.6yrs fake exp in oracle/unix production support i want to know some real time issues,like tell me the challenging issue u ever faced? my project is credit card application plz help me!
Explain php split() function.
What are the activities for sap netweaver xi integration, implementation, post go-live ?
Explain what is eapps.cfg file. And what is its significance?
Where do you put javascript in html?
What is a report type?
What is the purpose of hssfsheet class in apache poi?
if the price of orange falls by 20 % one can buy 5 dozens more for RS 300, then the original price per dozen is
Explain the architecture of ado.net?
Give me scenario when we are using custom sql, dynamic sql
What is meant by a sandbox.
Derive the expressions for average output voltage and rms output voltage of 1φ semi converter?
Name any three cellulosic fibers?
Define shrinking?